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Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
Oh Naruto, how you continue to disappoint me. What started of as a promising, yet cliche, shonen manga has since become a horrid Beast of terrible plot devices and unnecessary arcs, whose purpose isto keep the dying monster's heart moving. Oh, how you maintain your popularity through keeping people in wait, promising that the story will carry on, only to decieve them and continue on pointlessly.

As one can tell, I am no fan of this series. Once, I was someone who refused to read this manga, as my only justification was "It's popular, so it can't be good!" However, I quickly realized how foolish that was, and forced myself to read this gigantic piece of pop-culture. Initially, I was suprised at the depth that the manga could posess, developing many well-rounded, albiet, cliche, characters. However, it quickly became clear to me that this manga is just like every other shonen action/adventure, neverending. Yes, Naruto will most certaintly end, but expect a terribly executed, ambiguous ending where nothing's really solved, the characters remain the same, and you're no better off reading this manga than not. As you can see, I really dislike the story, and I give it a 3, for being cliche heavy and weighed down by pointless plot points and story archs.

There has, however, been a lot of work put into the art, which is good for an action-heavy shonen manga. The battles are clear, the characters are unique, and you can tell how the world progresses (or how it would progress, as the story does not). I gavbe it an 8.

The characters are cleverly disguised cliches, and have all been done before. A 4.

Initially, I really liked this manga, and had it at a 7, but now, the enjoyment is gone, so I'll settle with a 5.

Overall, this manga is mediocre. That is the perfect word to describe Naruto. Mediocre.
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
Today I will be reviewing the longest yaoi ever created.


Don't you love reused bull? Well seeing as though I loved Bleach, which is a testament that I love my reused bull! Now, I for the first few volumes the story was very good, refreshing even. The shounen genre suffers from a plethora of bad storytelling. But the first few volumes of Naruto shove a giant purple dildo in the face of its entire genre by showing a more sentimental, and human, approach to it's characters.

That is for the first few volumes. See, Naruto falls short where some other shounens did as well. I can't say the names of these shows, but one of them rhymes with detergent. And where it fell short is that once it found a formula that worked they stuck to it and subsequently beat it to death! "Well, if it's broke why fix it?" says Naruto. "Because that is literary suicide." says the ambiguous sage in the corner smoking a Cuban cigar!

"Okay Callacas, what is this formula the infallible Naruto beats to death?" You ask. I am not trying to bash the manga when I say this but, whenever any character in the manga (any, of them) needs characterization, all the manga does is make a flashback to their childhood. Showcasing their "struggle" to put it informally. It wouldn't be half bad if it all didn't boil down to the same general information, "X had a hard childhood, and because of it grew up into the person he is today." That kind of thing. Again, I did not mind the flashback, at the beginning. But having them told over and over and over again makes it lose its intended affect and comes off as melodramatic. Which is the opposite affect.

Also, another problem of this is that the flashbacks are the only use of characterization. Tell me this, those of you who have seen anything Naruto, take out the flashbacks and what are you left with? A generic shounen.

Actually, let me ask you a better question, take out the flashbacks and try to describe the characters in as many words as possible. Let me tell you now, you are not going to get past one or two. And that is almost as bad as Bleach. 4/10


The story starts before the time when Naruto and his best friend Sausuke wanted to take off their shirts and kiss. It begins in their early tween/teenage years. The story begins with a love triangle between the all important main character Naruto who has fallen in love with a girl in his class Sakura. Sakura, on the other hand loves the most popular boy in school, Sausuke. While Sausuke secretly loves Naruto. Oh, we have come full circle have we?

Now, Naruto and Sakura and Sasuke are all ninja. In a land of ninja. In a world of ninja. In a universe of ninja. Which is hopefully in a taco or something, damn I'm hungry.... Where was I? Oh, yeah. Ninjas.

Naruto as the main plot continues Naruto and his triangle buddies find themselves all on the same ninja team conveniently enough. And they all go on adventures with their instructor and from there the tale unfolds.

The plot itself is nothing to write home about. It is essentially an epic retelling of the classic Japanese piece of Literature, "A Tale of a Gutsy Ninja Jiraiya" that is about a ninja Jiraiya who summons magic from toads going on adventures trying to win over his love Tsunade, who is a kunoichi who summons magic from slugs, all the while fighting with his arch rival Orochimaru, who is a ninja who summons magic from snakes.

Again, it's nothing to write home about. Generic shounen stuff. 5/10


I'll be the first to say this, I don't like the artist's designs. Yeah, the clothes are cool and all, but the character designs are just god-awful and just plain boring. With uninteresting faces, or in the case of some characters, no faces at all. Hmm, I wonder how much time that saved the artist when trying to rush the chapters out of the door?

The environments get much better as the series begins to close, but nothing jumps out of the page at you. It just seems like the environments were just shoved to the back of the author's mind. Furthermore, the author seems to love the ever loving troll face out of surrealist artwork. Which depicts strange and sometimes disturbing pictures. I cannot recommend this for too young of an audience.


Believe it! I was certainly not board reading this manga that is for sure. Just like i cannot describe the Xbox One past box; I cannot describe this manga past the word fun. It was a genuinely fun read. But I am not sure if it is good enough for a second read through. It is LONG! 7/10


Like every long running shounen out there, it has it's flaws. What is bothersome is that it is not aware of its flaws, and that is Naruto's greatest weakness. 6/10

EDIT: Wait a second! I forgot to include the secret criteria! Action!


I have not seen One Piece yet so I cannot compare it to that. But I have seen Bleach as you no doubt know by now. So, I will compare it to Bleach. The action in Naruto is much slower paced than Bleach. But it gets the job done very well. The action makes sense and all of the enemies actually feel like they are legitimate threats. Also, the fights are long and drawn out, which I like by the way. So that is fine. 7/10

so this bumps my final score up to a...6/10.... Well that was anticlimactic.
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
Naruto is good but for me it has no consistency whatsoever. I don't even know now what plot it wants to follow. For me I think the mangaka is just getting random idea as to what he should do next about his manga. I think its the reason why some of its readers have slow down reading if not totally stop from doing so. If you think I'm wrong then you should try it yourself.

Story 6

All this time I believe Naruto(the main protagonist) is striving to become thier village Hokage. To be respected by the people of his own village. On the first part, it was clear that Naruto will surely succeed in doing so, but after the skip, meh, things just get so confusing. The story suddenly start focusing on Sasuke, a boy whose clan was murdered by his own brother. Chapters and chapters dedicated to this revenge loving maniac. And then what happens? Sasuke killed his brother only to find out that his brother is good. That his brothers action were under the orders of konoha. So now he's out to take revenge(again) on Konoha that his brother tried so hard to protect( at the cost of annihilating his own clan..another psycho.) What annoy is me Narutos' undying will to take back Sasuke, always saying about how can he become hokage if he cant even save a single friend. Sasuke do not even care anymore. He even tried to kill Sakura. And now Naruto is saying that in order to save Sasuke from the grasp of darkness. he's willing to give up his life. (what a joke) How can he become a hokage if he died? Why give up on your dream just to save someone whose trying to destroy the very village you want to protect? For me that's just plain stupid. So story wise I think it's just fair.


Many says the art is great. I cant tell why though. For me, the backgrounds were too much. So many ink go to waste. With character that looking all the same except for their hair and eyes. I think it's just good. Just good. So it's 7


I don't think the character on this one received the right amount attention. In fact I think Sasuke is the only one who's got all of it. Since Shippuden starts, the other character seldom appears. Lack of development. So again just good


The most enjoying aspect of Naruto is when it comes to battle. With so many techniques to see,and so many strategy to make you feel awe. Aside from that, I think nothing much. There's no more comedy in it unlike before.


I'll give it a six. Start out great but then couldn't keep it up. Well, Its not like it's over so it still has a chance to bet back where it was once, that being a great manga.
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
First and foremost, I would like to mention that I first discovered and followed Naruto by watching the anime during my school years. It seemed so different and mature and energetic compared to the usual animes that were being televised in 2003-2004 (Pokemon, Digimon, Escalfowne, Beyblade, etc). And begun the start of my anime dvd collection.

I am not going to lie that I momentarily dropped it once before Shippuden and during Shippuden for at least 2yrs, collectively.
It just lacked the necessary build up that was clearly there but not advanced upon. It became predicable with each filler – they are assigned a mission which involved “A” fights scene that wound dragged to cover multiple episodes that are mainly filled with scenes previously used.

After the war begun being addressed in the manga and the excitement from the readers together with the tensing of the war inbetween fillers in the anime; I stopped with the anime and began the manga (which I do not regret). Yes, at times I did enjoy the fights in the anime but in honesty I can only recall two from the Naruto anime – Rock Lee vs Gaara and the episodes with Haku after years of dedication. And even then, they do not compare to the fun and enjoyment I felt each week from reading the war segment.

With the completion of the manga am very happy it is ended for truly it was way over dragged. Am just pleased that the war segment helped in shutting down the build-up of regret of years of dedication wasted on the anime; bringing forth the ever longed excitement that I had long lost from my childhood. Now I just have to catch up with the anime episodes and hope and pray that they portray the war as shown in the manga.

Storyline – 7
Art work – 5
- Favourites – Rock Lee, Gaara, Orochimaru and Itachi Uchiha
- Less favourite – SAKURA & Sasuke a bit for I feel they played around with his storyline too much, which in-turn belittled his character.
- Naruto himself – 6
Enjoyment – 7
Overall – 8

Ps they should have ended it at the last page of the 699 chapter
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
My first manga review, and I've decided to base it on a franchise which I've followed for many years: Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. The Naruto anime was one of the very first I watched, and definitely played a big part in making me the anime/manga fan that I am today. The sheer number of filler episodes, however, caused me to end up putting it on hold/dropping it and now I just read the manga.

First off, the story. For a number of years I loved the story and world of Naruto. By reading the manga (and watching the anime before that) I was introduced to a hugely imaginative and colourful world full of ninjas and their cool ninjutsu. I liked various ideas such as the different levels of ninja which existed: genin, chuunin, jounin, hokage; the need for sufficient amounts of chakra in order to perform ninja skills; the many hidden ninja villages which supported their countries and ruling lords as well as the tensions between them; the presence of organizations made up of outcast ninja who wanted nothing but to cause trouble. There were many other positive signs of Naruto becoming an engaging tale full of adventure and plot twists.

Over 500 chapters later and I must admit I'm no longer sure about this. Around chapter 208, Naruto takes a time-skip of roughly two years and the anime marks this as the point it becomes Naruto Shippuden. The majority of Naruto before the time-skip, as well as the first few arcs of Shippuden, were pretty consistent in quality. Consistently good. There was plenty of story going on which included ninja exams, evil conspiracies, revenge and betrayal, organizations with complicated schemes, etc. You got the feeling that the main plot was moving along nicely (even if it sometimes felt a little slow and unevenly paced), with the side plots serving to flesh out the world of Naruto and its characters a smaller, but no less important, priority.

However, a few hundred chapters into Naruto things start to go wrong, horribly wrong, and it becomes painfully clear (at least to me) that the manga should end with a fitting conclusion rather than drag it out any longer. One problem that's related to the story is the addition of new side plots which seem to either slow down the main storyline so much that it's easy forget what it originally was, or are used as a sole excuse for one of the characters to learn new skills and grow stronger (not much of a problem early on, but now it just seems repetitive and boring). Loose ends start taking way too many chapters to sort out and evil characters too long to deal with. Recent plot revelations disrupt the flow of events and makes me wonder why they weren’t revealed much sooner (other than just to extend the story); I don’t see why it’s necessary to wait hundreds of chapters before being shown Naruto’s full background or to found out more about the history of the nine-tailed fox.

The characters of Naruto play a large part in why I think this series is not as good as it once was, and it's an aspect which is hugely frustrating. It's obvious that for a long-running manga like Naruto there are a lot of characters, but Team 7 (consisting of Naruto, his closest friends Sasuke and Sakura, and their teacher Kakashi) and a few others introduced later get the most focus and development. Naruto’s fellow teenage ninjas all get their moments in the story, but for the most part they are there just to lend a helping hand to the main characters during battles. This isn’t a huge problem initially as Naruto himself is a likeable lead, with bags of optimism and personality which sees him overcome the prejudice everyone has towards him, as well as interesting team-mates with whom he gradually develops strong bonds with. Throughout the first half of Naruto the members of Team 7 each develop at a realistic pace as they gain new experiences through missions for their ninja village as well as encounters with their enemies. After the time skip these characters in particular seem to have matured a lot and are no longer the indecisive or fledgling ninjas who they once were.
At least this is what it seemed.
When the major story events start occurring during Naruto Shippuden, certain characters (without naming anyone) revert back to who they were for no particular reason. The newfound toughness and maturity shown in previous arcs are replaced by actions which portray them as weak or just plain mad, with motives which don’t make sense; this leads to characters which, previously likeable, are now easy to hate. Female ninjas seem to suffer the most though, with most of them made to appear useless in terms of the storyline, or just completely forgotten about; other characters, too, just start disappearing from the story only to turn up again much later. Any character development up until now seems pointless, with much of the more important characters acting the same as they did two years earlier.

Another one of the things I used to appreciate about Naruto was how characters became stronger, built up their chakra levels and learnt new techniques as their ninja training progressed, while there were limits to their improvement. The world of Naruto initially contained certain rules, such as the concept of chakra and self-damaging high-level techniques, which prevented characters from becoming too powerful and no stronger than they ought to be. Shippuden does a good job of ignoring these rules; ideas and reasons which aren’t fully explained allow people to become as strong as they want to be as long as it is convenient for the increasingly muddled storyline. The ninjas in Naruto have special abilities, but they are still human, and therefore should not be having infinite potential/chakra levels. New villains introduced at this point are far more powerful than the recognised heavyweights of the ninja world, using ridiculous attacks several times. Even the title of Hokage, the strongest ninja of a village, doesn’t seem so grand anymore as too many characters surpass most of the existing hokages both in strength and abilities.

The art in Naruto is pretty good and I have few complaints. The main characters, as well as most of the supporting cast, have unique designs which makes it easy to tell them apart. There are numerous fights in this manga, and the majority are well-drawn with a large variety of ninja techniques on display which make them exciting to read. Locations such as the Hidden Leaf Village are quite detailed, and the addition of animals through the use of summoning techniques help to make the world of Naruto even more diverse.

Naruto started off as a very good shounen series, even if a little clichéd, and was immensely enjoyable when it peaked at several points before the time-skip as well as during some of the Shippuden arcs. These moments are memorable and full of epic battles between multiple ninjas, and there are quite a few emotionally moving scenes/dialogue too. Unfortunately, this just makes it feel so much more tragic when much of what was great about Naruto is utterly destroyed by the last hundred or so chapters. It makes it seem as though the creator of this manga has grown complacent over his success, and is now allowing the series to run on its reputation alone. There are still stand-out moments in some chapters which mirror the greatness found in the earlier parts of the manga, but these are too few and are far outweighed by the amount of bad characterization, plot holes and slow plot pacing that have taken hold of Naruto since the time-skip.
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
It sucks. Really, I meant it, it sucks. Naruto is by far the most over-the-top manga I ever read, it's the best example of how to stretch a 12-volume plot into something the author dragged for years like a dead body up a hill.

The first thing that might annoy you on Naruto is the lack of character design, we have Naruto, the lame protagonist that has incredible powers, Sasuke, the bland tough-looking friend of the protagonist and Sakura, the girl.

I wish I could say more about the characters but there's nothing to say, on exactly 700 chapters they never change, it kinda baffles me this fact because there's no character development, if you read the first chapter, then you know what these 3 will be doing on the rest of the manga, not only these 3, but everybody. As it has absolutely no character development, I can't say the author knew what he was doing and it's enough to say "hey, I think this manga is worth nothing" but there's still bad things to say about it.

The silly plot. As having the worst characters ever, the plot isn't good either, it's a neverending road to do only one thing: save Sasuke, and this is something really weird considering Sasuke is a cold-blooded murderer which certainly has Naruto and Sakura into a stockholm syndrome of some kind because it makes no sense. There were wars, ancient evils, threats to the whole world, and what's the focus here? Save a bastard. Nice one author, you almost made me believe that the whole thing had a point.

After all what this manga tries to do and fails so hard? It has a point or at least tries to. I think the author tried to show us that the bad guys only need compassion and this could be something good, could have teached us how to be better people maybe, but instead we only had 700 bloody chapters of pointless fights.

Just to point out how inconsistent things are: ninja rankings mean nothing at all, Naruto was the most powerful genin ever, nice one creating gimmicks to expose more of the universe inside the manga and simply forgetting about it right after. Kekkei genkai becomes meaningless as pretty much everybody has one and as it's so common, why people don't have multiple kekkei genkai abilities? Wasn't it supposed to be genetic? In the whole world people marry their cousins or something? It begs for an answer.

Bottom line: this was wrote for kids and kids only, it's bland, undeveloped, has plot holes and the deus ex machina happens all the time, not only on the protagonist which is the only one with an excuse to summon the deus ex machina, but with everybody.

Some people seemed a little confused with "deus ex machina" so I'll care to explain, it basically a synonym to lazy writing, when you think all hopes are lost, Naruto will die (or any of the "good guys") and simply everything is going wrong, the author calls the deus ex machina and all problems are solved. How is deus ex machina in Naruto? Kyuubi. After Naruto discovering this bloody fox inside of him, there was absolutely nothing to worry about because as long as he can just call the fox, he can win anything, and look how convenient, the fox has 9 tails to be unlocked, so as the difficulty of battles increase, he can always get stronger! How clever!

One last disclaimer: I used to like Naruto, when I was 10.
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review


Character: AMAZING

Enjoyment: AMAZING

Overall: GOD LIKE

Story: The story is AMAZING. This is not a simple story. It does not just contain just a single element. The substance of this story is made of so much. Their is alot of Action, some Romance, lots of comedy, and so many others. The story is just an amazing work. This has to be one of the greatest stories of all time. Ever.
Their is so many stories branched out everywhere coming from so many characters. Also many of those stories link together, and create one amazing sensation when they intersect. What I love about it is that Naruto is not just about Naruto. Many of the characters have their moments in this manga. Also because this story is about ninja their is alot of secrecy, and secret plots, or decieving plots, and alot of suprises, and their are alot of introductions to new missions.

What the story is about. It is about a boy named Naruto who grows up in a ninja world, and is shunned by everyone surrounding him. Through his presseverence, and raw determination of obtaining his dream of becoming Hokage (The leader of his village), he begins to obtain the loyalties and friendships of many ninja. The proccess of Naruto growing up is not an easy task. In himself he contains a demon that was sealed into him by the previous Hokage in order to save the village. He encounters many villians, and many obstacles he must overcome, in the universe of ninja.

Art: The art is AMAZING. The art concepts in them selves are phenominal. The character design is second to none. The backrounds are contain so many different enviroments, and are masterfully done. Also the transitions are so fluid. Their is not a single moment where I had to re-look at a page to understand what is going on.

Character: The Characters are AMAZING. The amount of characters in this manga is amazing. Their are so many. And the similarities, and differences between them are so distinct. This manga contains so many personalities. It also has to what I believe the some of the best interpritations of what heros, villians, good guys, clutzes, strong women, and so many others should be. Here is a list of what they are.

Ultimate Hero: Naruto
Ultimate Bad Ass: Sasuke
Ultimate Villian: Ma?a?a
Ultimate Cool Guy: Kakashi
Ultimate Legend: Yondy
Ultimate Character Ever: Itachi
and Their are so many other ultimate characters that I left out, like Shikamaru, Jiriaya, Zabuza. The characters are just amazing
I can explain so much on how awsome each charater is made to be, and give so much detials on them, and yet be unable to answer so many questions.

This manga contains so many awsome and new inventive elements in it that diversefy it so much from other mangas, stories, anything. And it also contians other many great elements from other mangas, and stories, and everything. To me this has to be in the top 5 Ultimate Manga. One of the greatest ever.

Screw you guys im helpful
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
Here's Naruto Manga summed up short and quick, unlike what the manga is capable of.

It can't finish what it's started.


Naruto began as an intriguing tale based off of everyone's favourite sub-culture group, ninjas. Except these ninjas had personality, and a backstory! Everything was going well, really well, I loved reading it cause every jutsu they pulled was thought out carefully, where they'd adapt what they had to suit their purposes. Battles were strategic, plot was meaningful, and most importantly, EVENTS LEAD SOMEWHERE.

Now, I'm still reading this manga, so maybe there's something to it, but I've dropped it once before, and I'm getting awfully close to dropping it again. I'm just in so deep now that it's tough to quit.

As I just said, Naruto started out good, but in the chapters regarding the split of naruto and naruto shippuden, well... it went downhill.

Akatsuki was a good addition, but after all the grief, all the fighting, all the backstories, you ended up not even caring. SPOILER ALERT. I mean, honestly, they end up killing off an entire village, and all the important characters, making you think the story was concluding, and then nope, actually, Naruto manages to inexplicably woo another creepy old dude to stray from his determined path, and REVIVE the WHOLE FREAKING VILLAGE. That is not appropriate plot development people! You don't start finishing the series and then just say "jk! Lulz!" That's exactly where InuYasha had it wrong. SPOILER DONE.

As the series dragged on, everything I loved about Naruto was slowly whittled away, appearances by Rock Lee and Shikamaru were lessened, each battle grew to be less about strategy and more about who had the more powerful, previously unmentioned jutsu. I kid you not, the last 4 chapters I read, all that's happened is a fight where they either summon a giant monster thing to do their fighting for them, or use a genjutsu, within a genjutsu, within a genjutsu. There's no imagination left here people. Honestly it's turned into a DBZ clone, except without the yelling, and without the aftermath actually leading somewhere.

But I suppose everyone wants a review according to all the factors.


Sometimes it's a bit over-inked and it makes it difficult to tell exactly what's going on, especially during a fight. The art style works nicely overall, but it's nothing that's about to wow you if you've read manga before.


if they had focused on the good characters, like Gai, Lee, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Gaara etc... I could give this a higher score, but Naruto took the "Goku" approach, and suddenly everything has to be done by one guy, except unlike goku, the guy doesn't even require an explanation as to why anyone more skilled than him couldn't do it. Everyone just seems to accept it.


It's hard to say, first couple hundred chapters were magnificent, 10/10. But last 100 have been shite, and it's really dragging on. I can't give it overall anything more than a 6, but understand that the last chapters have been really poor.


A resounding MEH. I've read 477 chapters now and it's just been getting worse and worse as time goes by. If you want to get stuck in a manga where the start works it's way up to a brilliant climax, and leaves you wanting to read more, only to find out the more that you get to read is worse than the 100 episodes of filler they threw into the anime of this series, then go for it. Naruto WAS good, Naruto was great. But it's hard to stay motivated about a series as stagnant as this one. It's lost it's charm, it's only got the "I'm in this far" factor going for it now.
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
It’s me again. It has been a while since my last review. Naruto, if you even don’t know about this one then go home. I’m sure you’re already drunk. Kidding. But, seriously, I so doubt you have watched anime if you never look at this story. So, today I wanna tell you about one of the most precious Japanese manga ever.

Basically, Naruto is inspired by previous legend battle manga titled Dragon Ball. The word of “inspired” really has different meaning with “plagiarism”. Both of them are about copying something but “inspired” is original. Hey, that’s obvious. Fine, it means you have understood it well. I should say it since if you’re Naruto’s big fans like me I’m certain occasionally you have forgotten that this story is based on Dragon Ball. Why? Because it’s hundred times greater than its predecessor I think.

I would like to start some sort synopsis here. It’s all about the story of ninja. Surprisingly, Naruto begins in a normal mainstream story. Naruto’s complete name is Uzumaki Naruto. He lives in a certain ninja village named Konoha-gakurei. It means “hidden leaf village” in English. It’s located in fire nations. In Naruto’s era, ninjas aren’t longer grouped based on family names. They already formed organizations and stay there like the other normal people. They have family, house, school, job, and friend like ordinary villagers. There’s no secret identity anymore in ninja’s life. Even they don’t need a mask and they also can walk freely in vicinity of village everyday as they want. Ninjas use a specific power named Chakra. Using chakra allows you to do something incredible like walking on the wall or water, detecting someone’s presence, healing some wounds, even annihilating enemy. Chakra users are categorized into several levels. The first stage of chakra user, usually beginner ninja, is named Genin. The second stage is named Chuunin. If they want to be a chuunin they have to pass an extreme hard exam. But sometimes there are talented kid ninjas that be able to surpass the exam easily even they can beat chuunin effortlessly. Ninja’s villages develop their economic growth with funds from several jobs called mission. Ninjas have to accomplish certain missions which are given by someone or something and then earn money. Ninja’s missions are also leveled into some stages which start from easy until hard and very hard. During the missions, ninjas usually have confrontation with the other ninjas from different village. And they also often lose their soul because of that. Village’s head ninja is called bla-bla-bla-“kage”. I mean, it depends on where the nation is. There are five nations. Each nation is named based on the style of chakra. There are only five kinds of chakra : fire “katon”, water “suiton”, earth “doton”, wind “fuuton” and the last one is thunder “ration”. But high level chakra users can combine several kinds of those cahakras and then use them at the same time. They’re called “kekkai genkai” It produces new techniques like wood style “mokuton”, particle style “jinton”, etc.

So, when Naruto was a child he was a troublesome kid. He did a lot of prank to other villager. Many villagers hated him because of his attitude. Actually the cause of villager hatred isn’t merely about his impolite behavior. The Demon Fox a.k.a Kyuubi. Kyuubi is one of the nine tailed beast “bijuu” that had served a lot of disaster in the village for long time ago. He killed many villager and Konoha’s ninja who wanted to stop him. Tailed beast is like sacred animal which could produce a huge mass of chakra. It inhuman power can annihilate a city only in a sec. Several ninjas managed a plan for muffling bijuu’s anger. They developed a special ninja technique which can seal these mystical beasts into human body. Humans who have sealed bijuu in their body are named Jiinchuriki. They can obtain an infinity amount of cakra because of the sealed bijuu. Naruto is the Jinchuriki of the strongest bijuu, Kyuubi. Naruto always has a dream to be a Hokage. He will do everything to keep his dream. But unfortunately he is slow to learn about some ninja techniques. He had a rival named Sasuke Uchiha who always pisses him off. Sasuke is the genius pupil. He is from elegant family which ever exist in Konoha called Uchiha. Every Uchiha inherits a rare ninja ocular technique Sharigan. With this Sharigan things they can perform godlike ninja techniques like copying an opponent tech, identifying enemy movement and making an illusion “genjutsu”. Sasuke is the kind of person who’s always seeking for greater and greater power. He never satisfies about what he has had. Sasuke betrayed his village and then decided to follow previous Konoha’s traitor ninja named Orochimaru. In fact, Naruto was being chased by a dark ninja organization named Akatsuki. Their objective was collecting all of bijuu’s power. He knew that he was targeted. But Naruto never holds back. He and other Konoha’s ninja were ready to hunt Akatsuki. That was not easy because all of Akatsuki member have demonic power and forbidden ninja technique. Naruto lost several comrades during the battle with Akatsuki.

My opinion :

Plus :
- This story serves two big moral values. There are determination and idealism. To be honest, Naruto is the kind of hopeless person who is slow to learn about something. He’s really different with Sasuke who can repeat a lesson flawlessly with a single glance. But that weakness can be overcome with determination and keep trying. There was an arc when he almost died because of training methods. In the end he can’t master it correctly but he found other method to use that tech. Well, “Going my way” is the one of Naruto’s motto. Naruto is a person with high idealism too. You know, when people have idealism, usually their idealism will be getting faded if they face a huge hindrance. They will start thinking that their first goal is impossible. But Naruto is not like that. He faced a painful fact that his beloved person was killed. He also knew the gap between his power and enemy’s power is intolerable. Instead of giving up, he just kept struggling with a smile in his face. His idealism will never be faded.
- Just an ordinary people. Seriously, I’m getting tired when I read a manga which serves a perfect protagonist. They always have a victory in every match. Even they often defeat their enemy with a single blow. But for Naruto, being defeated by enemy is a common. I counted there were several battles when Naruto should totally accept his loses. One of them is first battle with Sasuke. Sasuke might kill him whenever he wants.
- Epic drama. This is story with the best drama I ever read. Naruto isn’t only hero here. Several characters in this story are even more heroic than Naruto, according to me. Say it like Uchiha Itachi, Namikaze Minato, Jiraya, etc. Their life, dream, purpose are wonderful. You should find it by yourself. I don’t wanna make some spoiler here.
- Badass villain. Ow men, I have already seen a bunch of villain at the other manga. But the guy named Tobi in this story is special. Tobi is skillful in both of techniques and strategies. He is the biggest troller in the world of manga. You should check that out. He said “Hey world…I’m Madara….I’m alive…Hello…Greeting from hell”. And several moments after that “Problem world? You got trolled…Madara is already being a zombie there…”. Owww, that was the most epic troll. And you also have to see someone named Madara Uchiha. Here is little bit his ability for you all : he can alter a map.
- Unpredictable stories. The best story is story that you can’t predict about the problem solving when the climax is happening. It makes you wanna continue reading it more and more even though you need to wait every week.

Minus :
No minus in this story. It is masterpiece. It is legend. It is fabulous. It is a story that appears once in a hundred year. I give 10 without any hesitating.
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review

Okay. To start off, I've been a fan of Naruto, since I was in 5th grade. I graduated in 2013(I graduated early. I was part of the Class of 2014 group). Therefore, I've been around for most of the story, and--I can honestly say--I'm happy for it to have been a part of my life. Naruto's determination to never give up, Sasuke's determination to make things right, and Sakura's determination for love, all turned me into who I am today. I know, it sounds cheesy, but it's true. It has helped me grow as a person, and I am truly thankful for Kishimoto, for drawing such a wonderful manga.

Okay, the story. It had it's ups and downs(mostly during the final Fourth Shinobi World War arc), but overall, it was enjoyable. Some plot holes exist, such as the Sage of Six Paths' brother, Hamura. The story never answered the question of what became of him, after they sealed their mother, which bothered me. Other than those, the other "plot-holes," were soon explained, and resolved. The story is also known for it's huge plot-twists, and wtf moments. Sasuke and Itachi are prime examples of that.

As for the art, it was...well...choppy at the beginning, but it slowly began to evolve, and began to look more like the anime. I love the art, and it always makes me a little jealous, since it is really hard for me to draw that well.

The characters are pretty good, though they can be annoying. Sakura(yes, I realize this will generate a lot of hate), is a prime example of that. She was useless during Part I, only being useful during the Chunin Exams' fights against the Sound ninja, and Ino. During Part II, however, she slowly began to bud into a great character, even becoming kick-ass when fighting against Sasori. She had seemingly shed her school-girl crush on Sasuke, and was able to become powerful. But, once they met Sasuke again, everything went back to normal. She was crushing on him once again, and went back to her heroine-support-role. Even after everything(I won't spoil), she still loves him. Hinata, with Naruto, as much as I like her, is another example of this.

Overall, it's pretty good. If you like long, shonen manga, I'd suggest checking it out. :) It also has a host of games for GameCube, Gameboy, DS, 3DS, PS2, PS3, PSP, and Wii, and also has a bunch of movies out. Shippuden movie 7, "The Last," is coming out this year, and is canon to the storyline.
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
As Naruto as ended, I have decided to give my final thoughts on it before I try to move on. There have been minor flaws throughout this series, not just in the war arc. I actually enjoyed the war arc the most out of all the other arcs. I did find the pacing horrible a few chapters after obitos big reveal. Apart from that I will analysis this series from the beginning to the end and give my opinion on it.

I started reading or watching this manga/anime way back in 2010. For me it was literally the best anime/manga ever. Especially what Kishimoto did to make his characters stand out (especially Naruto and Sasuke). Every character throughout this series has some sort of development and even then I learnt to sympathize with these characters. The first time I watched this anime I immediately fell in love with it. It dragged me in with Naruto's character and made me hate sasuke's character. In all honesty, I found part one (before the timeskip) before the massive sasuke vs Naruto fight to be completely childish, but I saw it as a means to help us gain a connection with various characters. What separates Naruto from other long running series however is the talking to the villain to see what motivates them to perform such schemes. There where times I liked the method, but times I didn't. However, this manga has taught me that sometimes a villain will have some motivation that caused them to kill or do evil deeds in general.

Naruto is all about some underdog kid who wanted to be acknowledged by everyone in his village and to become hokage. What inspires me about this kid is that no matter how much shit he was given, he never went rogue. Instead he just kept trying. Eventually getting the village and the world to acknowledge him.

What I like about kishimoto is that he is more to the point and does not drag his arcs if compared to other anime. He does have that flashback flaw, but I guess that would only apply to the scenes that repeat themselves over and over. I like the way that every villain we encounter is someone that we can understand, not to mention we can also get what caused them to become evil. This manga as also brought me to tears several times, however the anime seems to go over and beyond and make me understand the characters better. Seeing minato and kushina, seeing the deaths of jiraiya, zabuza, neji, the third hokage and even pein where tear jerking. I was not a big fan of obito in the manga, but the anime literally gives him some justice.

In this series, I'd say that we have a range of understandable characters. I do hate sakura out these characters merely because of her attachment to sasuke and the fact that this series has ended and kakashi still has his bloody mask on his face LOL. Naruto never giving up is what motivates me and Sasuke not understanding Naruto until the last few chapters. Even after all he has done, I guess I can understand why he turned out like this.sometimes I think kishimoto should have expanded further on konoha 11, but I guess he has written about them enough.

The art is beautiful and literally is the best out of the three. Okay maybe I am over exaggerating because bleach is pretty good. Naruto is detailed and the art helps me understand the characters a bit more. After 700 chapters, I literally felt torn apart at this manga's ending. The ups where Naruto fulfilling his goals and the downs where the damned pairings. Bloody hell, I did not gt the choji pairing and that sai pairing, but I guess that is kishimoto's weakness in the manga.

Overall, I love this manga. What it has done for me and how it has improved my life is because of the way it was written. This series will always be my favorite long running series even though it has its flaws.
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
Regardless of how you view Naruto as a series, one can't deny that it has left an enormous impact upon the culture and for many, acted as a gateway into manga and anime. Unfortunately, this also means nostalgia can cloud the minds of those that have followed the series since it's earlier years. Personally, I only started reading this series a few weeks ago. Prior to that, my experience with the series was the first 130 or so episodes of the original anime, before I lost interest in it and dropped it. After trying to watch the series again, I always inevitably dropped it around that 130 episode mark. So once Naruto's manga had finished, I knew it was time for me to experience the series in it's original form.

Naruto frustrates me in the sense that it attempts to create so much, only to have it mean naught in the end. I'll elaborate on this further throughout my review.

The story of Naruto starts off pretty well. He's a young boy who grew up as an outcast due to the fact that he acts as a container for the 'Nine Tails', essentially a giant fox that attempted to destroy Konoha and kill its residents 12 years before the series begins. Naruto's dream is to become the Hokage (the leader of the village), and the series follows him on his journey to do so. Whilst its not exactly an amazing premise, it definitely sets things in motion nicely and for the first 200 chapters or so the story is decent. But ultimately, its the timeskip that kills this series. Naruto starts a lot of things, but by the end of the story, is unable to finish them. For example, a key focus of the series is chakra and having to manage and use chakra efficiently in order to survive in the battles. This was a good system, it made the battles more strategic and definitely gave a sense of impending doom when a character began to run low on chakra (unfortunately this effect would be ruined as a friendly ninja would often show up to save them). By the end of the series, chakra conservation is far less important, and some of the final battles last longer than some of the series' most iconic battles combined. This lack of respect for one’s own worldbuilding is indicative of how the series progressed throughout the years.
The flow of the story was decent but during the later chapters it definitely reached a pace that was far too slow and stretched. The final arc didn't need the amount of chapters it had, and felt almost twice as long as it really needed to be. Most of the plot twists were fairly predictable, but there are definitely a few that were very well done. Its a real shame as the childhood arc of the series (roughly the first 220 chapters) were rather good, and if I were judging the series overall from just those chapters, the rating would be about a 7. Unfortunately the story fails to hold on to the charm of the beginning of the series, and is ultimately ruined by the introduction of ridiculous jutsus and the reversal of some major events in the series, only to have them mean nothing in the end. And that's probably my biggest gripe with the series; the ending. For some reason, the mangaka chose to display the ending to the series in the final chapter in 25 colored pages. He could easily have shaved 5 or so chapters off of the stretched final arc and used those to set up a far more satisfying, gradual ending. It is currently assumed that the mangaka will explain the ending in more detail in his miniseries that he plans to begin next year, but despite what information is revealed in these, it will not affect the fact that this ending felt very rushed. It was highly apparent that he paired characters together in the ending in a last ditch attempt to appeal to his fans, but his choices made little sense and some of the pairings had zero development throughout the series. If you're looking for a satisfying, meaningful end to this 700 chapter behemoth, you're going to be disappointed.

The art for the series is fairly good. The childhood arcs of the series definitely display a more 'cartoon'-ish feel whilst still keeping the series relatively realistic. As the series progressed, the art adopts a darker tone to match the attempt at creating a more serious story. I don't have much to say about the art to be honest. There were very few moments when I was truly awed by the artwork on a page, but there are definitely some standout panels (mainly from the final fight of the childhood chapters). I felt the mangaka was able to accurately convey what he needed to on a page, and on occasion he could really pull off some terrific backgrounds. The panels flowed well and fights are easy to follow which is one of the most important things in a manga that has them in such focus. The character's designs were also good, and the designs of the tailed beasts I found especially impressive.

Now we move to the worst part of the experience; the characters. The childhood arcs introduce some decent characters such as Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga, Shikamaru Nara and Gaara. Whilst they're developed well, nearly all of the important characters introduced in the first part of the manga are pushed to the side. Most of the characters you’re introduced to in the childhood arcs serve little to no purpose in the overall story. After the timeskip, the series chooses to focus on the journey of Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi. The characters outside of these fail to receive much development apart from a small few, meaning that characters that you've been shown and seen develop are just ignored. By the end of it, the characters have developed in a highly unsatisfying way. The antagonists have a very superficial reasoning behind their actions and one of them in particular is supposed to achieve a sort of redemption at the end, and readers are expected to sympathize with him. But considering all of his bad deeds that he's performed throughout the story, it is difficult to pity someone whose motivations were so trivial to begin with. By far, one of the biggest flaws with the mangaka's characters is his complete inability to create a compelling, independent female character. Almost every female character in the series relies on a male character for their development, and its a real shame. I wanted to like some of them such as Sakura, but the mangaka continuously makes her weaker than the other members of her squad, and her obsession with Sasuke throughout the story is unhealthy and delves into ridiculous territories at certain points. But as I've said already, the majority of characters in this series are developed poorly, not just the females.

My enjoyment of the series confuses me. On one hand, I can point out a great number of flaws that the series that seriously hinder it. On the other, I didn't have any trouble reading through the series. It was only in the final arc that I began to get bored with the series, and I ended up powering through those chapters to finish the series more quickly, which is never a good sign. This is an entry-level series that many anime and manga fans are familiar with, but it'll do little to sway someone who has already read similar works. The series has no parts that serve as a shining example of its perfection, all of its parts are noticeably flawed. Once you've finished, unless you're somehow a die-hard fan (living off nostalgia), you'll probably be done with it.

Naruto is a series that attempts to create an enormous world populated mostly with one-dimensional characters, but ends up collapsing under its own weight and reverting to standard shonen development. Everything in this manga can be done better by other works, and you should seek those out if you're looking for something specific in your reading. The series would've benefited from ending just before the timeskip. Instead the timeskip transforms the series into a darker, more focused plot that ultimately fails due to the simplistic design of many of the characters, lack of respect for the world created and the introduction of absurd powers that serve only to lengthen the series and attempt to create intimidating antagonists.
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
I think before we can judge Naruto, we need to ask ourselves one question: why did we ever start reading it? The answer is simple: it was a show about ninjas and cool fighting scenes. But that is why we started reading it, not why we kept reading it every week.

Naruto started with a very solid foundation, upon several intriguing characters and their past. It was really interesting seeing a rejected kid try hard to be accepted into society, to find a home, to find someone who deeply cares about him. And this wasn't only exclusive to Naruto himself, but also Sasuke and to some extent, Kakashi. Sure, the first chapters were goofs and jokes but the manga started to build a momentum toward a grand adventure, a journey filled with eclectic imagination of Masashi Kishimoto. I applaud Kishimoto for this grand tale of the Legendary ninja. Not only that the setting was well done, it was convincing and quite fitting to the themes of the story. But it gets quite difficult after that. Naruto made a bold statement in its infancy yet somewhere along its deacde long publication, it lost the values and its themes scattered. It's difficult to judge this 15 years of work as a whole because the content fluctuates greatly where it can be said that different authors wrote the manga. Sad, but the truth is this beloved series couldn't be distinguished anymore from other shounen mangas. You know, the main character continues a legacy while making friends and enemies and attains power to combat evil yet loses precious people in the process but through effort, triumphs the dark in the end. And in the latter chapters, if it wasn't for the setting, I wouldn't be able to tell if I was reading Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail or some other generic shounen. Yet the manga did have its moments, mainly the Pain Arc where the manga showed off the characters' maturity and importance. It was one of the very few arcs that highlighted what Naruto is: a tale about a gutsy ninja who desires to change the world for better and become the leader, the Hokage. And it was splendid how Kishimoto portrayed the strong bond between the characters and how some of their deaths influenced others.

Something else to note about the story is how philosophical it became over the years. Especially near the end, Naruto was tackling some of the biggest topics such as death, pain, suffering, human nature, and friendship. While it sounds grand, the author didn't provide much logic and effort to execute the probable ideas. It's sad how much potential turned to waste. Near the end, the characters' actions were justified by nonsense reasoning, their rage by incomplete monologues and the biggest questions of the series were answered in a rush.

As I stated earlier, Naruto built itself on its characters and their backgrounds. Naruto's loneliness due to the Fox, Sasuke's family tragedy, Kakashi's father's death, and Orochimaru's long past gave Naruto a great variety of characters. However, when we step out of past, Naruto characters are embodiment of most other shounen characters. You know, the rival, the girl, the sensei, the perverted old man, the weird guy, the powerful drunk lady, that villain and such. But it is worth mentioning that characters in Naruto mature and they develop to establish very memorable traits. And what I find amazing is Naruto maintaining his role throughout the series. Sometimes it was redundant, sometimes annoying but in the end, Naruto being himself, the determined and strong willed boy, kept the series together and preached some very thoughtful messages. The series had some characters, like Jiraiya and Itachi, who truly left a legacy and voice in the manga medium. Other characters, like Obito or even Sasuke, are example of how the series failed to establish solid resolutions for its characters. These characters' roles fluctuated greatly over the years. The rival of the series, Sasuke, could have become a grand villain or an eccentric anti-hero but the author took the shounen route and tried a happy ending for everyone. While it was satisfying as a Naruto fan, it did disappoint me to some extent.

As for art, it was quite good. Naruto's art was simpler than other mangas yet detailed. The style quite fits the story and the attacks are decently drawn. Sometimes the panels were bit messy and some character design were absurd, but, Naruto's characters (mainly women) were drawn more modestly than many other series. And I appreciate that aspect.

It's sad how long the story was dragged out, how redundant the messages were, how ridiculous the reasoning of characters became and how much potential the series ruined near the end. Some months, Naruto was plain boring and it wasn't enjoyable anymore. But when I read the last chapter, it was finally a relief that after over a decade, Naruto achieved his dreams and the story of the Legendary ninja came to end. The 700 chapter journey was a burden near the end but thankfully, it concluded half decently.

Most of us started to read Naruto because it seemed cool. But what kept many readers, including myself, to keep reading was to see Naruto succeed. The ninja raised his voice to change the world and despite his cursed fate, he brought himself to become a hero. Naruto is an inspiration, the mascot of Shounen Jump's motto "friendship, effort, victory."

Although the Naruto manga doesn't tell a great story, it does tell a tale about a great character, Naruto Uzumaki.
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
The story is outstandingly plotted. It is not very usual that the person who draws the manga is also the one to come up with the plot for it, as it is rather rare to see somebody manage to combine both drawing talent and original ideas in one. Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto manga creator, is such a shining example that something magnificent can be born when you are both gifted with drawing skills to be envyed for by many and the ability to come up with a plot and characters that have some sort of real depth and make the person who reads the story actually stop and think about a lot of things.

Naruto is not just about fights and action and kick-ass skills (which is however a major element of the story composition and adds that exciting flavour of dynamic to the story), but also about friendship and bonds and how connections can be formed, ruined and rebuild. As if the main purpose is not to entertain, but to rather show how cruel the world can sometimes be and how you must deal with all the pain and sorrow that you face throughout your lifespan. The main character, Naruto, is always the positive factor, the symbol of hope that signals light and kindess with his arrival, the one who never loses his path. He is also gifted with a stuborness that never ceases to amaze and a burning will to never give up.

The way I see it, Naruto is the kind of person that we all should try to become - bright, positive and never doubting in ourselves and our believes.

And what of the other characters? They are simply unique, each and every one of them in their own way. The range of varying personalities is stunning and the way the story keeps almost noone neglected really makes me admire the writor's skill.

And as for the art - I have followed through the story for quite a few years now and have seen it change and somewhat mature. It has of late become more realistic and more accurate for a ninja/shonen manga. Masashi Kishimoto has undoubtetly build a style of his own that is uncomparable to anything before it and anything that is yet to come.

Overall, as I now look up to what I've written, there were only good and positive things to say about this wonderful manga which I can without any regret call a masterpiece. It cant be helped. When something is good, it is good and that's the end of it.

Let's hope we shall be enjoying this manga for many years to come. It absolutely deserves to be placed as first in all sorts of rating systems!
Apr 02, 2021
Naruto review
Mod Edit: This review may contain spoilers

I know there is many other people here on this site that have reviewed this Manga before, but i felt that i wanted to give my says about it since it now have ended.

For 3 years ago, i didn't like Naruto at all because it was so popular and so mainstream at that time. Other reasons is bacause i was afraid of going away from my other interestes in favor for Naruto. Oh man, i was wrong xD.

One day, i was sick and pretty bored, so i decided to watch an Episode of Naruto. I was pretty neutral there. Afterwards i read af few chapters of the Manga, and it got more interesting. Then i saw the battle between Naruto VS Kyubi, and that's the true beggining of my Naruto-hype xD.

Now for the Review itself.

Story - 9/10
The story builted up on a slow pace just as many other manga, but the part 2 aka Shippuden is clearly my favorite part of Naruto. All the battles, the wars and especially when the Akatsuki appears where they are after the Tailed Beasts so they could reach their goal is definitely one of my favorite part of Naruto. My top favorite part is where Madara and Hashirama meets Again, especially when Madara shouts "HASHIRAMA" like an little fangirl. I felt of my couch laughting like an insane XD.
Overall, the manga ended pretty good in my opinion, there is few things to come after that.

Art - 10/10
I think the art is amazing. I didn't really looked deeper to the quality of the artwork since i'm more into the story. But still, i like the artwork.

Characters - 10/10
There are really, really many characters introduced in Naruto, but there are some that are my top favorites.

Madara - His backstory is what is the most interesting thing about him, but i do also like his personality. He i also always first for battle xD. Madara is especially epic where he eradicates the Shinobi Allies wíth meteors and takes them out like bugs, while keeping his Poker Face xD.

Minato - His personality and his kindness to people is where he gets my thumps up. I do also like his way of fighting. Also the fact that he created the Rasengan is the reason he is one of my favorite characters from Naruto.

Tobirama - Like Madara, his backstory is what i like about him, and also because he is the man behind Rebirth Nun Jutsu. He's also a big racist against the Uchihas for many reasons, because of the first war for example.

Enjoyment - 9/10
I did enjoy Naruto from start to finish. It was a great journey xD.

Overall - 10/10
I can say i will read Naruto again some time in the future. I can definitly recommend it to anyone interested in a long manga.
Autore Kishimoto, Masashi
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