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Vagabond review
Apr 16, 2021
Vagabond review
Sometimes, there are works that come out that push an entire medium forward. I don't think I had truly ever considered manga to be anything more than fastfood entertainment until I read Vagabond. I think there have only been a few works that have truly changed the way I've looked at a medium- and just as how Watchmen redefined comics for me, Vagabond changed the way I look at manga.

I need to get this out first. The art is magnificent. Painting with a traditional inkbrush and watercolors, Inoue has well and truly outdone any of his other works. This is his peak as an artist, and in terms of art, a work he is unlikely to eclipse.

The saying goes that a picture is a thousand words, and often Inoue is content to deliver us a two page spread of blood and iron, detailed down to the last droplet. And those details, ah the details- that delivers me to the story itself. I don't think Vagabond is a perfect work. There is undoubtedly some details both minor and major that will not sit well with all of us. There are probably little plot holes or details that I have missed. But barring a purely academic reading of the work, Vagabond is a manga with an effortless story. Miyamoto Musashi starts off thirsting for power, a young man looking to test himself against the world.

Slowly then, we watch as he fights, kills, grows stronger, and matures. All this held against the equally enthralling story of Matahachi Honiden, Musashi's childhood friend. Where Musashi dedicates himself to the passion of his craft, Matahachi indulges himself in hedonistic pleasure. And though there are certain implicit judgements about both characters, the story ultimately treats them as what they are- people. We watch as Musashi seeks greater heights of success, all while Matahachi falls deeper into despair. Then about halfway through, we meet the last of our protagonists- the deaf swordsman Sasaki Kojirou. Through trials and tribulations, we follow the three- well, we are still following the three.

It is unlikely Vagabond will ever be truly completed. Sometime in 2015 Inoue put the work on Hiatus. I do not believe he will return to it again. But in many ways, that only increases how much I love this story. Vagabond may well be a flawed work, for its lack of exposition, or breeziness in content- but say what you will, it is not a work that can be ignored. I see Vagabond as a cumulation of the things it made me feel, that deeply atmospheric art that threatens to drown you in its beauty- the inscrutable characters and their relationships that you can admire without fully understanding. All that and more make Vagabond what it is, and perhaps even more than just the sum of its parts. And Vagabond in many ways makes me take a step further and say- this may well be the greatest manga of all time.
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou review
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Apr 15, 2021
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou review
This review only applies for the first 14 chapters of the series and it does not constitute for the overall experience of the manga itself and it will be comprised of what I liked and disliked about the manga and the reason I have had dropped it for.

But really the only thing I actually liked about this manga is the art. It's simplistic and it does look really good but other than that, it has nothing going for it. Like, it's not there's anything bad or anything good in it, there is just nothing happening. The chapters don't draw to any conclusion, there isn't any conflict, nothing to leave you thinking about, just some simple events happening. Honestly, if your favorite activity is staring at a wall, this is the perfect choice for you, because the manga is that monotone. I don't really want to be rough on it because it has nothing actually bad by any means in it, but the reason is because it has nothing actually happening. The chapters I've read are the main character drinking coffee and talking to other villagers. I suppose you could try the manga if you would like to read about how the characters in a world where most people are gone and most end up living frugally, with some robots to boot around to see how is that imagined. But other than that, this manga is as eventful as looking at a rock. Now if you look at a rock, do you expect it to move? Yeah, me either, so this is why I dropped the manga. I don't think I could recommend this manga to anyone but if a really uneventful setup interests you, with nothing to take from the entire thing, this is perfect for you.
Apr 13, 2021
Very bizarre. It's almost better to read it as if the main characters were trapped in a shoujo romcom and forced to act out the various cliches of the genre. The two leads are so trapped in their delusions, they not only impede on their own lives, but also everyone else's around them. The male lead is dummy tsun and knows it, but he constantly goes back and forth about how much he loves the main girl while hurting others. Everything the main girl does is melodramatic because that's how she believes her life should be and she can't grasp what a normal relationship should be. It's strange because all the other characters act realistically or fairly human, the only times they step into the unreal is when one or both of the leads drag them into a melodramatic situation.
The worst part about all of this is that there's a good story and message underneath all of this, but it falls apart in the execution. I can only believe the author didn't want this to become a full-on drama to keep it under the romcom umbrella and the story suffers for this. The story should have ended two chapters before it did; it wraps up nicely with a good lesson for the characters and audience. There's real development for the main character and she has a nice moment of introspection and self-reflection, but then the author throws it all away and everyone regresses to how they had been before for the sake of a comedy gotcha.
It ends as stupidly as it begins but with the rest of the cast left trying to pick up their lives where the delusions threw them out.
Ichigo 100%: East Side Story
Lost+Brain review
Apr 10, 2021
Lost+Brain review
Lost+Brain is a manga that had plenty of potential to be great. Unfortunately for us readers, it fell short, very short.

(Note: TLDR at bottom)

The synopsis of the story by itself tells you how it should be written. The manga should revolve around the plot. The plot should be intricate and riveting enough to keep the readers glued to the manga. Personally, I was glued to it, for about the first two chapters.

The idea behind the manga was pretty interesting. The use of hypnosis for control is, quite honestly, fairly creative. While some people do cry "herp derp death note ripoff herp derp", the concepts of hypnosis and the ability to kill anyone if you know their face and name are extremely different. The means which the protagonists use to change the world can easily be morphed into amazing storylines.

You are probably wondering at this point, "what the hell does this tell me about the rating", and I'm about to tell you. Where Death Note prevailed and Lost+Brain failed was the length. When reading Lost+Brain, you get the feeling that everything is moving way too quickly. The pacing of Ren's goal to change the world proceeds too fast for the readers. The way the manga goes about makes it seem too easy. It feels like checking plot items off a list instead of masterfully weaving things together.

While the ideas behind the story were good, the way those ideas were written down were bad. Everything felt cluttered and amateurish. It really is somewhat depressing to see a potentially strong manga fall flat on it's face like this.

TLDR: The plot had tons of potential, but the story was too rushed to be a strong manga. Hence a 3
Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra
Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra
Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra
Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra review
Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra
Apr 09, 2021
Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra review
Pretty much writing this just to contradict Shamone2131's ridiculous review.

Just to sum his review up "I don't like that main girl is pretending to date the MC and beat him up! Wahh 1/10".

Ok then, first of all, if the synopsis didn't give it away already, that's basically one of the running gags of the manga. It literally says she's a delinquent. The kicker here is that he read all 16 TLd chaps before complaining about how much he hates Tsujiura being violent. If that was such a deal breaker, he should've dropped it after ch.2. He wishes he could erase the manga from his brain, yet the manga told you exactly what it was going to be from the get-go. His own time wasted then.

But, I digress. Let me get into a REAL review. I'll keep it brief.

Kiritani Yuu is an average kid who tries to never stand out at school. His life goal is to be a longer who doesn't attract attention. Tsujiura Megumi is a notorious delinquent who transfers into the school...oh and she believes in cryptids like a diehard. Tsujiura doesn't want to ruin her nice girl persona at her new school, otherwise she risks getting kicked out again. When all is said and done, Tsujiura recruits Yuu into her fake couple plan to keep all of the creeps away.

Now that the kid who wanted to be a loner is blackmailed into dating a violent, cryptid loving transfer girl, hijinks ensues. Lot's of chupacabras, lots of insanely weird characters appearing trying to cause trouble, and lots of misunderstandings.

If you like crazy rom-com's with aggressive tsundere's and weird ass supporting characters, then give it a shot. It's got a unique quirky art style...and random cryptid moments. If that's your kind of thing, then give it a try. Please just don't take the angry little weebs review with anything more than a grain of salt.
Darenimo Himitsu no Koimonogatari
The Crater
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