Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra review

Apr 09, 2021
Pretty much writing this just to contradict Shamone2131's ridiculous review.

Just to sum his review up "I don't like that main girl is pretending to date the MC and beat him up! Wahh 1/10".

Ok then, first of all, if the synopsis didn't give it away already, that's basically one of the running gags of the manga. It literally says she's a delinquent. The kicker here is that he read all 16 TLd chaps before complaining about how much he hates Tsujiura being violent. If that was such a deal breaker, he should've dropped it after ch.2. He wishes he could erase the manga from his brain, yet the manga told you exactly what it was going to be from the get-go. His own time wasted then.

But, I digress. Let me get into a REAL review. I'll keep it brief.

Kiritani Yuu is an average kid who tries to never stand out at school. His life goal is to be a longer who doesn't attract attention. Tsujiura Megumi is a notorious delinquent who transfers into the school...oh and she believes in cryptids like a diehard. Tsujiura doesn't want to ruin her nice girl persona at her new school, otherwise she risks getting kicked out again. When all is said and done, Tsujiura recruits Yuu into her fake couple plan to keep all of the creeps away.

Now that the kid who wanted to be a loner is blackmailed into dating a violent, cryptid loving transfer girl, hijinks ensues. Lot's of chupacabras, lots of insanely weird characters appearing trying to cause trouble, and lots of misunderstandings.

If you like crazy rom-com's with aggressive tsundere's and weird ass supporting characters, then give it a shot. It's got a unique quirky art style...and random cryptid moments. If that's your kind of thing, then give it a try. Please just don't take the angry little weebs review with anything more than a grain of salt.


Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra
Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra
Autore Sakurai, Atsuhito