Alternative: シャーマンキング; 通灵王; Exotica; Vua Pháp Thuật (Vietnam)
Autore: Takei Hiroyuki
Artista: Takei Hiroyuki
genere: Manga
Stato: YES
Pubblicare: 1998-01-01 to ?


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(17 Voti)
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Alternative: シャーマンキング; 通灵王; Exotica; Vua Pháp Thuật (Vietnam)
Autore: Takei Hiroyuki
Artista: Takei Hiroyuki
genere: Manga
Stato: YES
Pubblicare: 1998-01-01 to ?
17 Voti
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Yoh Asakura is a shaman--one of the gifted few who, thanks to training or natural talent, can channel spirits that most people can't even see. With the help of his fiancée, Anna, Yoh is in training for the ultimate shaman sports event: the "Shaman Fight in Tokyo," the once-every-500-years tournament to see who can shape humanity's future and become the Shaman King. But unfortunately for Yoh, every shaman in the world is competing for the same prize…
Recensioni (17)
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Apr 03, 2021
This review is going to be very short and concise, so I suggest anyone wanting to give this a shot should consider reading my review. The rest of my review after the paragraph after this sentence goes a bit more into detail, so whether you choose to read it or not is up to your discretion. Again, I suggest anyone wanting to read this to check out this review.

Imagine a car driving up a hill. The only way up this hill is a very steep and treacherous one way slope. Just when that car is about to climb up to the peak, like literally just when it happens, it stops. That's right, it completely stops functioning. The engine goes off, the headlights stop beaming, and it does a completely nose dive backwards into the ravine and causes a big ass explosion.

That's this manga tbh.

Hao is still the same person he was when he first debuted. He's still that dude who wants to annihalate all the humans who don't believe in shamanism, and he gets little character development at all, even after making peace with his Mom, which was the source of the reason why he was doing what he was doing.

It'd be one thing if he'd change a bit, but nope. He's still the same. It's like Hiroyuki's message was that nothing will ever change. Which it most likely was, and that's why I can't accept it or how it ended. For a manga that wasn't as long as the Big Three (in manga and perhaps animu as well) but still managed to sell more/outclass/rival the Big Three, the way it ended was just all around bad to me.

So yeah, I wouldn't recommend this manga to anyone, but don't take what I'm saying to heart as this is just my opinion.
Apr 03, 2021
Shaman King, much like most other shonen manga is a story made to appeal to, of course, children as the primary audience, so I'm going to go out of my way instead of spending time being productive to allocate effort on writing a review on a 20 year old manga not aimed towards me as the primary audience.

I like Shaman King despite its flaws, the first half of the story was fantastic and held up as a shonen worth reading. Things start to get rotten plot-wise when resurrections are introduced to what seemed like a pretty straightforward story.

In Shaman King, if you suffer a near-death experience, you get a higher power level, which is called mana, so you can control your ghost partner and power yourself up with them depending on how you expend your mana.
What's worse than a shonen manga with no sense of risk/reward? Terrorism, but this isn't about that, what I'm complaining about is the countless fake-out deaths the main and supporting cast go through to justify getting powered up.

The battles, character interactions, artwork, and setting had enough of a charm to lull me into a false sense of security, and I only finished this manga before realizing it was too late, with the epiphany that what I've been reading the last 100 or so chapters were a trainwreck. Characters are killed off at first with buildup and drama, not knowing if they're going to make it through their near-death state, but the author kept providing fake-out after fake-out. As a reader you quickly realize this is going to be the norm, where for example, a character named Horohoro is foreshadowed to have a tragic backstory as he keeps quiet about his true name, and a few chapters later Horohoro along with some other main characters are laying face-down in a hot bath drowned to death, killed offscreen. Since there wasn't any closure you can safely assume he'll be back, and hey, shows up he does.

At a certain point the deaths become more common than actual battles, and the characters able to resurrect the dead become less and less rare as more Jesuses pop out along with frequency of death. As you can assume, it becomes hard to track who stays dead and who is resurrected, since there are some characters who have very emotional deaths and have to be hammered into the head of the reader that "THIS CHARACTER IS DEAD AND WILL STAY DEAD FOR THE REST OF THE SERIES", when they can easily be revived, which loses its impact.

OK that's my review. Good art, very good characters, I fairly enjoyed the first half, but overall it's not good.
Apr 03, 2021
I watched the anime adaption on TV when I was a little kid. When I read that they plan to create a remake I decided to read the manga. I did not have high expectations. I was fond of it for nostalgic reasons but thought it is just a cliche shounen. I was wrong. I will start with the negative.

The manga starts from the perspective of Manta. An interesting character: Heir of a big powerful company, has dwarfism, smart and can see spirits. And he just becomes totally useless.

Some sentimental backstories are mildly annoying (I liked the ones of Hao, Anna and of Yo's father).

Over the course of the story we learn how powerful Anna is. The whole time I asked myself: Why is she not participating? She seems to be almost as talented as Hao in his first life. Way more than Yo for sure. She should fight!

In school Yo uses the ghosts to help him with homework and tests. It would have been great if ghosts had played a more crucial role later to gather intelligence and strategize and so on.

Normally I hate it when the MC wants to save the bad guys. But here it makes some sense. To see ghosts you have to possess a good heart. And to get along with all those spirits of terrible people you need some open mindedness. Also in the case of Hao they have no other choice. They cannot defeat him so they have to persuade him.

It does not play a huge role but they even handle sexuality in a mature way. The protagonist of the most succesful shounen is asexual (Ruffy). When sexuality occurs it is either for fanservice or for jokes. Anna actually sleeps with Yo before he goes to battle. But it is not used for the arousal of the watcher or giggles.

Now coming to it's big strength: the bad guy is victorious!
The MC has no grand goal, he merely has the duty to fight for family honor and he already knows that he cannot win. So he lacks the delusional determinaton of say a Naruto. The MC actually does not reach his goal. The villain wins and abandons his evil plan. That sounds terrible but it was quite plausible. Before ascending, the future Shaman King falls asleep. It is like a psychodelic trip. Then he gets the Great Spirit with all it's knowledge and power. Of course such an experience would change him. It was said the whole time that Hao was so powerful that trying to beat him would be futile. And it was. Even power of friendship and not giving up could not overpower him. Refreshing to see that.
Apr 03, 2021

This is easily my least favorite shounen of all time. Why? Because it's a clusterfuck. This manga is what happens when you take shounen, try to add deeper, darker themes to it, all the while trolling readers with the ability to revive people. Seriously, everything about it is a mess.

Our protagonist, Yoh, is a dreamy-eyed, high moral values airhead, like a Luffy that is constantly high on some meth, if you will. Typical to shounen, bad guys change their outlook on life immediately after they are beaten by our protagonist, inspired to suddenly be of use to the people, and become a comrade to the protagonist. But in Shaman King's case, the change is INSANITY. Our protagonist's third enemy and later best friend Tao Len, was a sick fuck that wouldn't think twice about murdering innocents. But after he gets beat? He's suddenly one of the "good guys". Same with his sister that used to go around murdering film actors. The only other series that I can think of that pulled such a fast 180 on characters is SAO with Kayaba. Shaman King does this constantly, though. But that's not all. While some of the bad guys that get beat turn into allies, a handful of them got depressed and committed fucking mass suicide. This manga is weird that way.

After the revival concept is introduced, it's honestly hard to know what the fuck is going on. People die at the speed of Shingeki No Kyojin, but they come back at nearly the same speed. There's no telling who's REALLY dead and who's just kinda dead until they're revived. So when you see a bunch of the protagonist's friends brutally murdered, tbh you're kinda left wondering how to feel. "Wait, but they're just gonna come back to life anyways, right?". But sometimes, apparently not. You really can't tell until a couple chapters later.

The ending; I want the phrase "Shaman King ending" to be coined as a way to describe an ending that leaves long-time readers feeling trolled, cheated of their money, and feeling like they got bitch slapped by salmon. After struggling through the clusterfuck, after numerous insane power-ups, after Yoh gains the power of the Gods, after beating all of Hao's followers, after hearing Yoh say "I'll be the next Shaman King" for the millionth time, you would think Yoh would finally beat the evil Hao and become the next Shaman King. Well, sorry to tell ya, he was 10 minutes too late, and Hao becomes the next Shaman King. Yoh? He gets vaporized.

After Yoh gets vaporized, for some reason his "spirit" gets to chat with Hao. Yoh talks about how friendship is great, and humanity isn't hopeless, because look at how high as fuck Yoh is. And Hao, after hating humanity for 3000+ years, IS CONVINCED. He's literally like, "Yeah, you're right, I guess I was wrong, I'll be a good Shaman King instead of using this power to destroy humanity, like I was planning to". ASDASDKLADJALK

So at the end, Yoh, failing to be the next Shaman King loses all meaning in life, Hao makes the fastest 180 ever known to mankind, all enemies and allies that died during the whole fight is resurrected, and you feel like you just wasted about 20 hours of your life. You almost expect the author to include a last page: "and then Yoh woke up from his dream".

If you want to see what One Piece would be like crossed with Shingeki no Kyojin with a 4chan troll controlling the plot, this manga is for you.
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