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Apr 17, 2021
One Piece review
This one gets 10s across the board. The absolute best manga I am reading right now and I hope it never ends tbh. KEEP GOING (G)ODA SENSEI!

I will not ruin anything and I'm sure I am not really adding to any of these reviews because so many people adore this series, but honestly: no other manga makes me laugh more than this one, nothing!! I've actually burst out laughing in the middle of quiet public places (like the library) and I've laughed so hard that I've cried. There are also times where the story is so moving and touching that I'll cry in the middle of public places (like Borders Cafe). There's something really special about this manga, the way it so easily evokes emotions. I have literally enjoyed every single arc in this manga so far, not even a wasted page! Also, the stories are endlessly re-readable. I've read One Piece first volume to most recent volume about 8 times already and I find even more things I like about it each time I re-read it.

All of the characters are so interesting and likable. And by that I mean, of course, all the Straw Hats, but I also mean all the villains and even the minor characters! I love the artwork too; every character is completely different. And they are all drawn so cleverly and uniquely! And batshit insane things happen to all of them, hahahha. Oda puts so much thought and creativity into each character, no matter how minor a role they play, so I'm always sad to see ANY character get killed off. Thank goodness that doesn't happen too often.

This is not an "overrated" manga despite it being one of the big three. There is a real reason why it is the best-selling manga in Japan. It's a fantastic series and I urge everyone to try it. Also incredibly quote-worthy and inspirational. I have had many WWLD (What Would Luffy Do?) moments.

Apr 17, 2021
One Piece review
Man.. every week I await for the arrival of a new chapter, there was not a single letdown, the chapters rarely had repetition of previous chapters and is always filled with new content

Story 9/10
Oda is a brilliant author, many folks would just believe one piece is a pirate killing and blundering things. One piece is a story of a young boy whom aspired to be a pirate, his immature, reckless and stubborn often give author no choice but to admire his actions. The plot twists and the slow foreshadowing of unrevealed characters such as the Yonko, shichibukai and navy admirals always kept readers in suspense

Art 8/10
The art is perfect, it depicts the charcters flawlessly. Oda also paid attention to even the smallest details, which readers would spot and propose various theories in their mind. It could've been a 10/10 if it was colored.

Character 8/10
A strong 8/10, the character development such as the time skip period is perfected. Fueled with sadness and despair once a relative dies, the characters development closely reflects those in real life. The process is insane, as story progresses, the 10 main characters takes on tougher opponents.

Enjoyment 9/10
Funny, action-packed and mind-blowing, One Piece is without doubt a very enjoyable manga. The moments when a serious situation is overridden by a hilarious comment is very funny. The sight of seeing the main character's strong determination and willpower is great to watch

Overall 9/10
Apr 17, 2021
One Piece review

Three words, corybantic, mundane, and underwhelming. One piece is one of, if not the most overrated manga I've ever read. Listen, I've been reading this manga since 2015 and I can tell you this is story contains some of the most formulaic writing, puerile characters, and overall jading story line, that drags, and drags... and drags. I'm tired of people overhyping this OBVIOUS milk cow, I've been watching One Piece drag for song long to the point where I don't even care about what goes on anymore.. I just want it to end! Many people share this very same opinion.. I'm not alone on this. Firstly, I don't agree with how Oda depicts pirates in One Piece, just call them adventurers for gods sake. Pirates are suppose to be robbers of the sea, not naïve corybantic idiots that run around screaming about the importance of friendship. Speaking of which, the development and overall characterization Oda chooses for this manga just doesn't fit with the world he is building. You tell me how a childish, naïve, impulsive idiot fits in the treacherous world of One Piece, oceans full of sea monsters the size skyscrapers, diseases that wipe out countries, and a ruthless corrupted government that has killed millions of innocents, where does this type of character fit? I'm also tired of people talking about the "character development" on how preternatural the character development is. There's a clear difference between a backstory and actual character development, they're not the same thing. Speaking of character development, the under developed crews just make me so mad, especially the supernova crews. Before I dropped one piece, it felt like Luffy was the only pirate with an actual crew, all the other pirate crews just felt.... irrelevant. Hell, don't take my word for it... look at the wiki page and just look how colorless and irrelevant the pirate crews look compared to Luffy's, and I'm not even talking about random pirates crews, these are Supernova crews were talking about - the actual "competition" for Luffy. Another thing I hate about the development, rather the characters in general, is that all the main cast acts like how they were on episode one, the unneeded old jokes just make it worse. You'd think after 1-3 years in a treacherous sea such as One Piece, Luffy would show SOME maturity in his perception of the world, but out of 1,000 chapters he still charges in battles mindlessly and overall makes careless mistakes. To add on to this Oda can't generate a sense of perturbation for shit, all throughout the whole damn series, he's won fights he should have never won, ass pulls left and right. It's too the point where any arc from marine ford and on I didn't take serious, the constant ass pulls caused the series to lose those moments serious tension for me, I never feel like Luffy is in any real danger. I'm not asking Luffy to be some edge lord, no. But at least show some maturity in his perception of the world, one piece fans deserve at least that in 1,000 chapters. Face it, the same meat jokes, the same bone jokes, the same cringe "SUUUUUPER" catch phrases are getting old. Grow up. My reasonings, plus the annoying fan base, plus the amount of chapters it takes to generate this disaster of a manga make me rate this manga a 1, deal with it.

Apr 17, 2021
One Piece review
Being the #4 most popular manga on MAL and the #1 in Japan itself, it's hard to really summarize what One Piece is in a single sentence. But if I had to, I would simply say that it absolutely deserves its spot. I can think of no other kind of story that should be the number one in all of Japan. It is a national epic. If you are a westerner, count yourself fortunate to be removed from the constant merchandise (akin to how ubiquitous Star Wars merchandise is in the West) You can just enjoy this downright masterpiece without any baggage.

There's so many wonderful things about the series that it's hard to know where to begin. How about the art, which has been controversial? Take it from me, an artist: Oda is a genius. Drawing a comic is not easy: before you even start you need simple iconic characters. You need an aesthetic. You need to design the world and draw it constantly. And then you have to draw it over and over, in different poses and angles. And then design new characters, etc. Other artists, peter out, quit, or phone it in and it shows. But Oda has been drawing for 23 years and he seems to be getting better and more excited. The world is drawn in more and more detail, Oda designs a billion new unique characters, everything is a new aesthetic.

You can tell some artists like to show much work they did (your Miuras and Muratas) while others prefer simplicity (like Azuma, and Togashi used to have a very loose sketchy style) Oda manages to keep a perfect balance. You can tell how much effort went into each page because it's chock full of detail, yet it all keeps a very loose sketchy style, as if it was scribbled in a single go. There are manga chapters made in a month that don't hold a candle to what Oda does in a week. By far the most striking thing about the art is the TEXTURE. When a character wears leather, you see its sheen. When something explodes it's not a puffy white cartoon star like in other manga, it's a black cloud with fire just like a real explosion. All this in black and white too! When was the last time you saw lava look as good as it did in One Piece?

The story too is a thing of wonder. It's famous for its consistency. A lot of serialized manga hook you with a strong premise and then lose their focus after a while (see: Naruto), or get repetitive with how it keeps yanking your chain over and over (see: My Balls(the manga)). A casual reader of One Piece can start at any arc and find a dense, thought through story, with a detailed world and a backstory that ties everything into a fitting picture. But the committed reader who reads the whole thing start to finish is enthralled with ANOTHER overarching plot layered on top of that. It's a spectacular juggling act. I would personally complain that Oda is a little slow, but still, hardly anyone else can do this.

But no one walks away from a One Piece arc without saying how much they wanted to cry afterwards. This series is high on emotion. Oda has a natural sense of story-telling that always leaves each scene with an emotional take-away, whether it's laughing at a joke, ogling at scenery (or breasts) or grinding your teeth at the evil that a villain does. And when Oda wants to, he will make you bawl, if nothing else from how perfectly he times the reveal. Such an emotional simplistic series may lead one to think that, philosophically, One Piece slouches, but its simplicity is its philosophy. One Piece oozes with the joy of being alive. To exist. The most natural and simple good there is. What other series would have a big feast after every arc? It's the romantic freedom that people admire of the pagans, who trusted their natural instincts.

If you have time to read this review, you have time to read One Piece.
Apr 17, 2021
One Piece review
Everyone has heard of One Piece, the manga that's going on forever and ever. After reading 1000 chapters of One Piece, I can proudly say that this manga is 10 outta 10.

Anytime I ask a person if they have read One Piece, there are two responses I get, every time I try to get someone new to read One Piece, "It's too long or "I don't like the art style"

These were both of the reasons it turned me off for me also.

As for the art style, I understand and it's true, to be honest it's completely different from almost anything else I've seen. But you need to know that One Piece is much more than just art like many mangas are. The style is more "childish" and maybe it turned you off, even though that's the case One Piece has a lot more to offer and you'll end up loving it. One Piece has 1000 chapters published and if you have been following the manga for a long time now, you have to or will "get used to it" because it's not something that detracts from the rest of the series in any way. The art is bearable, it's not bad or anything. If you read the manga, you will learn and see how much of a roller coaster and fun experience you'll have.

As for the "it's too long" excuse, I don't see a problem with it. If you hate it fine, but read it, but if you like it great, 'cause that means you'll have that many great times ahead of you. If you just don't care enough to read because it's long, don't. I've even heard people being like "I don't know if I'll be alive when it ends..?" or something like this. To be honest, I don't wanna see the manga end. I do wanna see Luffy become a pirate king, I mean let's face it, he IS going to become one because of how long the manga has been going. If you just have no patience at all, you'll not gonna enjoy it, it's this simple.

One Piece is actually one of the best manga I've ever seen, it terms of adventures and fun experience. This is the plot: Monkey D. Luffy has just set out on a journey to find the legendary treasure called one piece and become Pirate King, and is looking for a nakama (crew) to sail with him. I will tell you that you will fall 100% in love with each and every crew member as Luffy sails the seas. There is a lot of character development and you'll never get bored of them. Each arc of the story has it's own appeals (maybe except for 1 or 2) and excites the reader all the time. Not one character is left out or feels like they're there for no reason, they all have their own purpose and adds to the storyline. The plot itself, as I said is fairly straightforward and simple and really developed. The battles and fights are well-paced and brilliant.

To sum is up, One Piece is perfect, it is the best, no other words to explain it. And perhaps I'm just biased, because I love ONE PIECE.

So why should you read One Piece?

Apr 17, 2021
One Piece review
Hello everyone. You guys might know me from the reviews of Dragon Ball and One Piece animes, and I've gone on record saying that I fricking love One Piece in the manga. It's truly a masterpiece, tho. I'm gonna try to explain it in words. You know when, you know, you love something, but you can't explain why you love? Well, I'm gonna try my best


The story is simple. Characters will be chasing their dreams, and I like that it works here. I like the themes they represent here. Sometimes there'll be depressing arcs, like Alabasta, and Dressrosa, and sometimes there'll be more satisfying arcs, but there will be good themes in there. Some themes here are more mature and stuff, sometimes a bit darker. I love how it balances its tone. Some people have been saying that One Piece is bad cause most of it are goofy moments and stuff. They're fricking wrong. If you take a look at the Arlong arc, does it look like a goofy arc to you? No. It's a sad arc, and that's where we get character development from Nami, but we'll get to the characters later. I love how simple stories works. I don't see much of plot holes and stuff, nor power struggles. One Piece not having power struggles here makes sense, considering they're training during the time-skip. Also, the villains are scary. The one villain that I kinda dislike is Caesar. His motivation makes sense, but, like, I don't feel like they needed him as a main villain. Makes sense that it was setting up to Dressrosa, and that's where I was relieved hahahahahahaha. But, still, I don't like Caesar that much. But, that doesn't ruin the whole One Piece here. Like I said in my One Piece anime review, the pacing here flows perfect. I feel, like, I actually traveled through everywhere in the Grand Line and in the New World. I feel connected to One Piece and to the main characters. And I'm glad that I got to meet new well-written characters during the New World arc. Btw, I almost cried during the Marineford arc. THIS is how you do a war arc ;(. I like Rebecca, tho. I'm glad she had character development, tho. And I think she's beautiful <3. Like all of the female charact-- I mean, let's move on to the next one


The art in the manga is so fricking amazing. When I read the first volume, I was kinda worried, because it kinda looked cartoonish, but I didn't hate it, unlike any other MAL users >:V. I just went along with it. And, it's where I got connected to the manga. Not only the story, but, you know, the art almost looks like Jojo's, and I really like that. It's way better than the anime, tho. I love how the art evolved with its time, and I love how the mangakas' art evolve with the time. Like, the Jojo art evolved pretty good. I almost forget I'm reading the manga, it's like, I'm watching the anime, made by, let's say, Madhouse, Bones, David Production, or everything by Naotoshi Shida, and-- you know what I mean. Like I said, I read the manga with the voice cast's voices XD. I know, I'm a bit weird XD. I have a collection of the One Piece books. Most of it are 3 in 1 books. I could just take a panel, or scene in a manga, and it looks like a wallpaper, which it feels pretty good to know. Anyway, moving to the next


I love the main characters. I love how different they are in their own way. Sometimes I relate to Luffy. I mean, I didn't cut myself in the cheek, nor have I almost died by a water monster, but I've experience wonder of dreams, and feelings of loss, and that's why, like, I'm kinda related to Luffy. Zoro is the badass one. I really like Nami, not only cause she's, thic--- I mean, interesting, but she gets the character developments moments. Like in Arlong arc. Sanji is a funny character XD. He's basically a simp, but a funny simp XD. He's like me, whenever I see se--- I mean, beautiful women XD, except, I don't go exaggerated XD. Franky is a funny transformer XD (geddit lol), and I like Brook too. I love the dynamics here. The most funny ones are the dynamic between Sanji and Zoro XD. You might think they hate each other, but, you know, they're friends. But, I don't like when we get less dynamic between Robin and Zoro. People ship these two people, but they get one scene together for two or 30 arcs or something :"V. I wanna see more of them, tho. But, again, that doesn't make all One Piece bad. Also, the villains in One Piece are scarier than Evil Goku from DBS. But that's nothing comparing to Doflamingo, which is the most intimidating one. I'm glad that, in the New World arc, Oda gives the villains backstories. Which is something I love, mind you. I get to understand what the characters have been through. And this is the perfect example of show don't tell. Which is what the movies, TV shows, etc, are afraid to do >:V. I'm planning a story, where I do the show don't tell thing. I love Robin, tho. I like that she got her own arc, you know, in Ennies Lobby. The iconic line she had was earned, considering how much she's gone through. I love the main characters, tho. I feel like, they're my nakamas


I swear, you could just, let's say, get me the next volume and I'll be able to read it, no problem. People have been saying the Wano arc is pretty good, and I'm a bit sad, cause I'm only 9 volumes away.... I can look back on the volumes I read previously and feel pretty good. Kinda, like, you remember how good it was to travel to that place you went to. And, also, you can remember how sad it was, like Marineford, Alabasta, and Dressrosa. Yes, the anime adaptation is poopoo, but at the end of the day, it's still One Piece. I don't watch the anime, but I read the manga, like my life depends on it, and still be able to enjoy everything about One Piece. It's more than awesome. It's a work of art.


I love One Piece with everything I've got, tho. If I could just rate it, I can say a 20/10. It's way better than Dragon Ball, like I said before. I've been reading this bad boy for almost 4 years. I read the physical one. I didn't have a reason, till I realized that it's to look back on the previous awesome arcs. I can look back to, let's say, Ennies Lobby arc, or any arc that I really love. I almost couldn't explain why I think One Piece is a work of art, but I think I did it. I hope you might understand, tho. I can't wait for what it's to come in One Piece, tho. Thanks for reading my review, tho :D. I have lots more to go, but okay, I might be able to review them.
Apr 17, 2021
One Piece review
Eiichiro Oda surprised me with a great series. It starts getting better even from the very beggining, just after the three first (and tinier) arcs. The story, after the first three villains, tends to get more complex, intelligent and well-written.

Even though most of the characters is crazy, their personalities are built around a great story that surprises by the level of complexity in a shonen. It's not like it's difficult to understand it (as it is made for teenagers and focused on pure entertainment), but yet by some parts of the plot and specially by the questions section, (where the readers ask what they want to the writer), we can notice how the author has a great knowledge of science and history, which greatly enriches the quality of the work.

That can be easily perceived by some commentaries of Oda about the weapons of the time, the story of the real pirates, and even scientific explanation of real and fictional phenomena during the series. And that doesn't nullify the great humorous ability of the writer in several comical situations.

Also does very good in emotive/sensitive parts. Passes in a very good way the feelings of the characters. Can easily make yiu feel truly sorry for a character that is suffering, want to kill some other, and cry with the third one, and scream with happinesswith a fourth.

The art is different than those from many other manga, but it's very funny sometimes and very serious some other times. Expressions always translate well the characters mood, form angry to sadness, form joy to depression.

It's a must watch for fans of a good comedy, well elaborated stories and action manga. One of the best shonen ever made.
Apr 16, 2021
One Piece review
In English and portuguese

English(sorry for mistakes, i tried translate, but i dont speak english

an incredible manga that transcends what we understand as shounen.
my favorite shounen is hxh, but only anime, currently i believe that the best shounen manga is one piece not only for its importance, but for all its inherent qualities. I always watched Naruto, very fan since childhood when I became more mature I could understand that Naruto was a work that had a lot of power, but was lost along the way, that is, it was poorly done. One piece is different from that, and despite having that basic script: going to one island defeats the villain and going to another, what oda sensei does on top of that is incredible and I will explain why one piece is the biggest of the big three from shounen and why it's the best. 10-world building: it is incredible, oda made a planet, different races, genius islands that were also thought of geographically in addition to working very well with the limitation of the environment and how it affects the whole context of both the battle and the island, the the greatest example of this is very current, wano, but if i told it it would be spoiler. moreover, oda works very well with each mystery, mysteries that involve the whole world and define that something really is about to happen, such creativity stands out even more with the akumas no mi that are the most brilliant creation of Oda, because they have a lot potential to be one of the biggest revelations in the manga. Thus, it is easy to say how vast the world is, in fact for me, One piece has the best world building in the history of manga, something that took more than 20 years to be refined and improved should definitely be the best.

10-characters: Luffy is incredible and honestly comes easily among one of the best-written characters, something that I only noticed easily in Ashita no Joe with Yabuki, but Luffy is special because of the way he influences everything and everyone, he is the great gear of the manga, besides being funny and super determined, luffy went through very dense and well written negative arcs where all his ambitions were questioned and that says a lot about the character when we know his past and how he really call everyone. However, the biggest hit of one piece is definitely usopp, the most human, it is more simple at the same time, it is brilliant, because its sniper support figure defines its history and its relationship with the world very well, after all the idea of ​​liar and fearful is usopp's just position as a human in that world of monsters, but despite everything he challenges like a brave sea warrior. In terms of characters, if someone asked me which one I like best, I would just answer; yes, but jokes aside my favorite is a character that appeared in the current ones that deserved a manga just for him.

art; The art of one piece is something complex, but I can easily say that the oda draws too much and is becoming an excellent mangaka on the double pages that besides being beautiful are always loaded with a lot of meaning. however, when it comes to art, it is important to say that everything that is there is part of the oda style, in fact there are many pages rich in details that really highlight the talent of the oda and its style, a style that I really like in terms of designer characters and more.

script and history: from the beginning of the work, back when the manga experienced the overwhelming influence of the shounen, a genre that was born and took on immense proportions, the manga was already brilliant, not only because of its well presented base, but also the oda I already had an idea of ​​the things that could happen and how everything was interconnected, only the idea of ​​east blue was already stupendously important, as it showed the world building again, where there in the first chapters that Shanks appears, there already had countless references that demonstrate the grandeur of history, something even more noticeable in the beginning of the new world that for me is the greatest saga of one piece without a doubt. moreover, analyzing by arches that generally represent islands, oda always writes the island very well and its events, difficulties and how its past influences the world and the most important mysteries of the work, in fact many of them can echo through many other islands and still move plus the world, together with this we have how the chain of events produces incredible effects and how the oda knows how to move the pieces within the island so that things can happen in a satisfactory way, presenting context, characters (which in fact are thousands), and defining all challenges, the biggest examples of this are arlong park, alabasta, enies lobby, sabaody, marineford (screenplay show), punk hazard, dressrosa (screenplay show) and wano (screenplay show), arches that transcend the pejorative idea that the manga is just villain island villain island, when in fact the manga uses this base to build such spectacular events and unveil so many ministries in the world of work with such immense creativity that I can't he could stop considering oda a great genius and one of the greatest artists today.

One piece is my favorite manga definitely the most special work of my life, I hope that with my review you also read one piece and fall in love, ONE PIECE really became ONE PIECE of me.


um incrível mangá que transcende o que compreendemos como shounen.
meu shounen favorito é hxh, mas só o anime, atualmente acredito que o melhor mangá shounen porradeiro é one piece não somente pela sua importancia, mas por todas as suas qualidades inerentes.

eu sempre assisti naruto, muito fan desde criança ao virar mais maduro pude compreender que naruto era uma obra que tinha muito potencia, mas se perdeu no caminho, ou seja, foi mal efetuada. One piece é diferente disso, e apesar de ter aquele script básico: vai pra uma ilha derrota o vilão e vai pra outra, o que o oda sensei faz encima disso é incrível e eu vou explicar por que one piece é o maior do big three da shounen e por que é o melhor.

10-world building: é incrível, o oda fez um planeta, raças diferentes, ilhas geniais que também foram pensadas geograficamente além de ele trabalhar muito bem com a limitação do ambiente e como isso afeta todo o contexto tanto da batalha quanto da ilha, o maior exemplo disso é bem atual, wano, mas se eu contasse seria spoiler. ademais, o oda trabalha muito bem com cada mistério, mistérios que envolvem o mundo todo e definem que realmente algo está para acontecer, tal criatividade se ressalta ainda mais com as akumas no mi que são a criação mais genial do Oda, pois elas tem muito potencial para serem uma das maiores revelações do mangá. Desse modo, é fácil dizer como o mundo é vasto, aliás pra mim, One piece tem o melhor world building da história dos mangás, algo que levou mais de 20 anos para ser refinado e aprimorado definitivamente deveria ser o melhor.

10-personagens: o luffy é incrível e sinceramente entra fácil entre um dos personagens mais bem escritos, algo que eu só percebi com facilidade em ashita no joe com o yabuki, mas o luffy é especial pelo modo como ele influencia tudo e todos, ele é a grande engrenagem do mangá além de ser engraçado e super determinado, o luffy passou por arcos negativos muito densos e muito bem escritos onde todas as suas ambições foram questionadas e isso diz muito sobre o personagem quando conhecemos o seu passado e como ele realmente se liga a todos. Contudo o maior acerto de one piece é definitivamente o usopp, o mais humanos, é simples mais ao msm tempo é genial, pois a sua figura de suporte atirador define muito bem sua história e sua ralação com o mundo, afinal a ideia de mentiroso e medroso é justa posição do usopp como humano naquele mundo de monstros, ondes apesar de tudo ele desafia como um vedadeiro bravos guerreiro da mar. Em questão de personagens, se alguém me perguntasse qual eu gosto mais eu apenas responderia; sim, mas brincadeiras a parte o meu favorito é um personagem que apareceu nos atuais que merecia um mangá só pra ele.

arte; a A arte de one piece é algo complexo, mas eu posso dizer facilmente que o oda desenha demais e está se tornando um mangaká exímio nas páginas duplas que além de serem lindas são sempre carregadas de muito significado. contudo, quando se fala da arte, é importante dizer que tudo que está lá é parte do estilo do oda, aliás há muitas páginas ricas em detalhes que realmente relevam o talento do oda e seu estilo, estilo que gosto muito em questão de designer dos personagens e muito mais.

roteiro e história: desde de o início da obra, lá atrás quando o mangá vivia a esmagadora influencia do shounen, gênero que nascia e tomava proporções imensa, o mangá já era genial, não só pela sua base bem apresentada, mas como também o oda já tinha ideia das coisas que poderiam acontecer e como tudo estava interligado, só a ideia do east blue já era estupendamente importante, pois mostrava novamente o world building, onde lá nos primeiros capítulos que shanks aparece, alí já teinha inúmeras referencias que demonstram a grandiosidade da história, algo ainda mais perceptível no início do novo mundo que pra mim é a maior saga de one piece sem dúvida. ademais, analisando por arcos que geralmente representam ilhas, o oda sempre escreve muito bem a ilha e seus acontecimentos, dificuldades e como seu passado influencia no mundo e nos mais importantes mistérios da obra, aliás muitos deles podem ecoar por muitas outras ilhas e mover ainda mais o mundo, junto disso temos como a cadeia de acontecimentos produz efeitos incríveis e como o oda sabe mexer as peças dentro da ilha para que as coisas aconteçam de modo satisfatório, apresentando contexto, personagens(que aliás são milhares), e definindos todos os desafios, os maiores exemplos disso são arlong park, alabasta, enies lobby, sabaody, marineford(show de roteiro), punk hazard, dressrosa(show de roteiro) e wano(espetáculo de roteiro), arcos que transcendem a ideia pejorativa de que o mangá é só ilha vilão ilha vilão, quando na verdade o mangá usa esta base para construir eventos tão espetaculares e desvendar tantos minstérios do mundo da obra com uma criatividade tão imensa que eu não poderia deixar de considerar o oda um grande gênio e um dos maiores artistas da atualidade.

One piece é o meu mangá favorito definitivamente a obra mais especial da minha vida, espero que com minha review você também leia one piece e se apaixone, ONE PIECE realmente se tornou UM PEDAÇO de mim
One Piece
One Piece
Autore Oda, Eiichiro
Artista --