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Recensioni di libri
Koe no Katachi
Akatsuki no Yona
Akatsuki no Yona
Akatsuki no Yona
Akatsuki no Yona review
Akatsuki no Yona
Apr 16, 2021
Akatsuki no Yona review
This story looks like it's going to take a while before it strikes the so waited climax, but it has so many breath taking and heart warming moments that it makes you think "the 'main' climax will be so crazy that i'll need to do a heartcheck" hahahaha.


we see prophecies, legends and legacies in pretty much 80% of the published series. About this, the story doesn't have anything extraordinary. The good part comes when we talk about the connected happening that leads to the prophecies, how the side stories support the development of the what I call the main climax (you'll get this once you read). And something that, for me, is the main point so the story can give you those crazy chills "I need to know what happens next", is the characters development. Without it, AnY would be just another historical-harem-related shoujo, with lots of guys that'd die for her.


Even thou I really enjoy readind something with "alternative" art style (like xxxHolic or Copernicus no Kokyuu), if art like AnY, with the flattering traces and full of glittering eyes kind of art is combined with action, good story and hot guys, I cannot stop reading. It is like torture to wait the next chapter. So yes, the art is amazing (!!!), even if it doesn't bring anything "new".


This is the super upper dupper awesome point of AnY. I already said what I think of the relation story x character, so you may have already noticed that I love it. If you want to recommend a story for me, so I can be crazy over, give me something that actually shows the past of the character. I love this. You can understand why Shin-Ah acts like that, why Zeno has that personality, for example. And for last but not least, let me tell you about Yona-dear... As someone already said, such a badass girl... Love her. I fell at ease when I see some huge badass fem protagonist. The mangaka gave us the oportunity to see such a fragile girl become someone that fight and speak for her e the ones she loves. And this transaction between fragile = badass is not something like "she woke up like this"... You can notice the change, gradually occuring.

Well, finishing this short review, I fell like saying again how much I love the main/suport characters, and even that I said that the plot is "common", it is really enjoyfull, because you know the path Yona's adverture is taking, but you still can enjoy the amazing fighting and funny/brave characters.
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
NaNa review
Apr 15, 2021
NaNa review
I've read and watched NaNa several times since its release way back when and that's a testimony to why I am reviewing even almost 10 years after the tragic hiatus.

The story is unlike any other you will find in shoujo/josei manga. Sure, there are some of the usual tropes but they are told with such sensibility that you will look past those and enjoy every single part of it.

I personally adore the art. Being someone who has followed Ai Yazawa's work over time, NaNa is at the height of her talents. It is however an acquired taste, I admit, but those single shot panels of eyes, where so much emotion is conveyed, I just haven't been moved that way with many other manga.

Her art just has style and a fashion sense that's usually lacking in many other manga.
Just think about it; in how many manga do you see a character's outfit change every single day? Any real person would change clothing throughout the days, which is what also adds to the realism here.

The characters are all, in some way likeable as well as not. All of them, bar none, have flaws. There is no perfect hero that lacks depth and no character is simply a plot-device only there to teach the hero a lesson.
Some characters even the most despicable are full-fledged human beings and you are led to understand the meanings behind their actions through skilfully crafted backstories and character development arcs.

I can only give it an overall of 9 because the story is incomplete. It is a masterpiece and should definitely be read, but beware of the heart-ache and tragedy that not only will come from the plot but due to the story being cut off right at a crucial moment, you will be left quite frustrated.

I hope one day Yazawa sensei will be able to complete her work. NaNa is a cult classic that cannot be missed out on, simply put.
Kamisama no Iutoori 0
Grashros review
Apr 13, 2021
Grashros review
//This review contains spoilers//

I finished this in a single day, because I don't think I would have been able to get back to it if I had left it for later. This was yet another manga I started due to good art, which it turns out is the only good thing to come out of it. As a child, the protagonist, Akuu, saw his own tribe get wiped out by a huge mammoth known as Grash, and decided to exact revenge on it when he becomes stronger. Shortly after, he finds two other kids - siblings called Shurava and Shuri (this will be relevant later, somewhat) and travels with them to another tribe where the people were crazy and tried to kill them. Akuu went bat-shit insane and murdered all of them, his "curse" giving him strange powers or whatever. In the frenzy, he had also hit Shuri, as a result of which she became mute (lol) and Shurava deciding to take revenge on Akuu, who fled to the jungle. Time skip! The protagonist is now an absolute stud who doesn't care about anyone else, is very strong, kills gigantic beasts in a matter of seconds, has lots of sex with girls after each kill, and is only 17 years old. How epic. Character development is non-existent, blood-thirsty enemies become life-saving friends on a whim (like Shurava), there is no real drive behind the actions of literally anyone. The last 20 chapters or so were so fucking stupid that I had to skim through the pages without reading any of the dialogue, because frankly, I doubt they had any substance at all. Akuu eventually does what he set out to do and then decides that he loves Shuri (with whom he had absolutely no interaction with for like, the past 6 or 7 years), has sex with her, she miraculously gets her voice back, gets pregnant and everything is all good and happy again with a new family and tribe, until at the very last panel, the offspring of the Grash is shown with the text "History is cursed to repeat itself." Okay, fuck you too bitch.

I am angry and I am sad. Angry because this is such a shitty manga, and sad because the talent of the artist has been misused to such an extent. This is more of a rant than a review, I suppose, but fuck it. I'm not much of a writer, and this is my first review, which I wrote out of sheer anger and disappointment so forgive me if it feels flimsy or dull.
5-tsu no Hajimete: Ubawarete mo Ii, Kimi ni Nara
5-tsu no Hajimete: Ubawarete mo Ii, Kimi ni Nara
5-tsu no Hajimete: Ubawarete mo Ii, Kimi ni Nara
5-tsu no Hajimete: Ubawarete mo Ii, Kimi ni Nara review
5-tsu no Hajimete: Ubawarete mo Ii, Kimi ni Nara
Apr 11, 2021
5-tsu no Hajimete: Ubawarete mo Ii, Kimi ni Nara review



Some story strike the heart of the reader even if it is short. Most story won't. This one will leave you in amusement at how fast pace it was. The love attached into it is fragile and the reason behind is too unbelievable. It will make you feel that this kind of bond can be easily crumpled and a body contact is just what it keeps the relationship going. If this story is just a draft of a long one, I think it will be great as other flavors can be added to make it more interesting.


I don't believe a girl who's not used to guys can easily be fallen to one. Suddenly holding your hand by a guy is not romantic at all, it will be creepy. A love story was called a love story 'cause there's two people flirting with one another, I know. The character just lack some main character's attitude that can attract you, it's hollow.

ART: 9

Hands up on the art. It cute and the girls expression is awesome. It feels like the girl's art was really focused on and it was very detailed. All of the characters are really good looking, sadly just an extra characters on the story.


The cute art will make you enjoy reading the story. Since the emotion is fully expressed, reading made lighter. Adding the body contact and intimacy of the characters shown properly is kinda cool to see, but the expectations failed you. As it dropped the excitement, it will also affect the enjoyment.


If it is real, they won't last long. Sounds bitter to me. Every story has a twist. Isn't that an unspoken rule? It is what makes the story interesting. It is the key on making the character grow. Some endings are not meant to end the way it is.
Icaro review
Apr 10, 2021
Icaro review
Icaro is a piece of collaboration between Moebius (real name, Jean Giraud), creating the story, and Jiro Taniguchi, being responsible for the art. The concept of a team effort between both famous french writer and japanese mangaka sure raises the bar of expectation for this manga alot, which is eventually the reason why the reader would be left with bitter taste at it's end, both creators are masters in their respective genres, but this work cerntainly doesn't solidify their fame.

The synopsys sounds grand, complex and intriguing, and nothing like that can be said for the actual content of the story, it does try to be metaphorical, but it's too scarse to even feel coherent. Also alot of worldbuilding concepts are thrown in the fray, but almost none of them pay off or even has any value for the plot and it's progression. The story is far too simple to be worth mentioning as such.

The art for this manga is in great detail and it's gorgeous, the only selling point of this whole work that deserves it's unconditional praise.

The characters are very basic, bland and uninteresting, some of them have odd quirks which bear no meaning to the story's worth, and half of the supporting cast is introduced, whithout not having any reason to exist in this story.

The potential that was ruined with this story is major, and the great art cannot hold the manga's worth by itself. It starts grand, and bombastic, and it's end is too simple and uninteresting, this manga is not worth it's time, I do only reccomend it to people who are completionists or to those who enjoy Jiro Taniguchi's works in general.
Dead Flowers
Dead Flowers
Dead Flowers
Dead Flowers review
Dead Flowers
Apr 10, 2021
Dead Flowers review
First of all, how come this doesn't have a mature warning? o_O

Anyways. It's psychological, in an abstract way. It's weird, in a " that it?" way. And it's drama in a rather terminal tragedy kind of way.

The story, I give a 9. Not that I would preach what this story seems to condone, but in that it seems to hold its own as stories should. I'm impressed by certain techniques used so boldly. Though that's probably just my liking towards foreign psychological films and short films speaking.

The art, 9. Just take a look for yourself. Everything seems to have it's own soul. But perhaps I'm overenthusiastic.

Character, 7. It is two chapters, but the psychological abstractness of it all seems to compensate. Though, even at that, you wonder if you know anyone that could act so calmly in some situations.

Enjoyment, 8. I liked the abstract. I liked the psychological bits. I liked the art. I didn't enjoy the theme more than I should, but it is admirable for such a daring story. Of course, when I say "I didn't enjoy it more than I should", I mean it - hence the minus 2 points.

Overall, 8.5. I won't say it's a must read, but I can't help but give credit where it's due. Such a daring story, such a great standard of art, - what more can you ask of a manga? And only two chapters at that.

The themes in this drives me to recommend it towards only the mature.
As an indirect audience recommendation, I'd have to say that this is one of the more enjoyable psychological drama/tragedies I've read.

Though... 'enjoy' might not be the word most people would use.
Erotic Horror
Erotic Horror
Erotic Horror
Erotic Horror review
Erotic Horror
Apr 09, 2021
Erotic Horror review
This is a really hard manga to talk about, mostly because it’s all one shots and also because it’s done by many different artists and manga-ka. Instead of going through every single one of them, I guess I should talk about them slightly as a whole for most of this.

The stories were pretty well done for small horror stories you could probably sit around the camp fire with but they would probably not of held up around other stories of a similar nature. They were pretty much generic, something sort of supernatural happens, the main character falls into that little trap, and then at the end, it is resolved in sometimes the most bloody of ways. For all of them, I could pretty much tell how the ending was going to be but it was still a little interesting to read it in how it played out. Two of them did stand out a bit though. Transient Future, while not my favorite story in the grouping, had a very interesting concept of the time loop, using the grandfather theory I guess to support what was going on. It stood out only for that particular aspect. The other was Hotaru is Waiting which was a really cute little story with a sad happy ending. It was the only one of the group that didn’t make the horror aspect not so horror. It was a good little break in between the other vengeance heavy stories.

One of the biggest questions I had while reading this was why it was called ‘Erotic’ Horror when there was very little that could be seen as erotic. Two chapters had sexual content but unless you’re getting off on other people dying, that was pretty much it. Even the characters were not all that amazing as they mostly were all pretty much normal high school and middle school students. Sure there was one that had collage kids but again, pretty generic looking characters.

The artwork is very well done for all of them, some a little more detailed then others but like I said before, this was done by 5 different people. Strangely though, the characters all really look the same design which made me wonder if the artists all lived together or even worked together before. I guess that is good for most manga, but this didn’t even have stories that were fluid together so it just made me a bit confused. Most everything had a very dark look to it much to add to the horror except for ‘Hotaru is Waiting’ which was set in the daytime instead of night. Although that one was different, the mood that was set was very different in general.

I still believe that it is an ok read, even if the stories were pretty bland. ‘Hotaru is Waiting’ was worth the read but the others felt very similar to what I have read before in horror stories. It’s worth a look at but your not hurting if you skip it.
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