Hajime no Ippo review

Apr 14, 2021
So this Manga starts off absolutely Amazing and is thoroughly incredible throughout about 900 or so chapters. EVERYTHING AFTER THAT IS ABSOLUTE TRASH PLS DON'T READ IT I AM DOING YOU THE GREATEST FAVOR. This manga is as bad if not worse than the way Fairy Tail went out towards the end and i do not make that statement lightly. Essentially what i mean by this is the whole entire last arc is the worst thing to ever grace the medium that is manga. Ippo our MC goes on a large training montage and road to redemption which is all great and dandy but after that man......after that i can't even say without raging. Its bad guys, real bad. Like so bad i feel like my best friend of 18 years stabbed me in the back and stole my wife from me (if i knew what that was like i imagine it'd be the same feeling as this). Just dont read this after around Chapter 900 or you might break your laptop in anger and disappointment as so many other people have. Specifically chapters 1199-1202. Skip those or risk my voice in the back of your head saying "I told you so". Unfortunately this is just a Manga that went through the all too classic downfall of having gone on for too many chapters and eventually lost everything that made it so great from the start. After all 1200+ chapters is quite a lot and this was almost to be expected but just the way this manga falls apart is heartbreaking.


Hajime no Ippo
Hajime no Ippo
Autore Morikawa, George