JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean review

Apr 02, 2021
I wasn't a fan of part 5, so i was hoping that this part would be better, especially because of the fact that the prison setting sounds really refreshing for jojo, but unfortunately, for me, this is the worst part so far.

The story flows quite well and the ending, while being weird, was really unique and kinda satisfying, but of course i'm talking about the story and not the last fight, the last fight was average and boring, just like the last fight in part 5. that's the problem - This part has the worst fights in any part. at least in part 5, for every bad fight, there was a good fight, but most of the fights in this part are average/bad. Chapters 1-20 were interesting and i was hyped to read the rest of the part, but, right after that, the quality drops heavily, when they start to introduce the main cast while i have to force myself to read boring/overly complicated fights. Especially the fight against that old man with the dragon, it was so boring that i stopped paying attention in the middle. after chapter 100 is when it got really boring to me and i was forcing myself to read it so i could finish it already. Basically, almost all of the stands in this part are boring, that's what truly made me dislike this part.

The characters are a hit and miss, just like in part 5.
Jolyne has a fun personality, definitely one of the best in the series, but her stand on the other hand is not shown a lot throughout the part and that makes her a little less enjoyable. Her being Jotaro's daughter is engaging and the interaction between them is fun as hell. i would say that she's a better character than Giorno overall.
Hermes is my least favorite out of the main ones, her backstory and the whole thing about her revenge felt forced and out of place, she's just an empty character for me.
Annasui was an ok character, his stand was bad, but his personality was nice, although they didn't really explain why he had that habit of breaking things, they didn't really expand on it. His interactions with Jolyne were a hit or miss tbh.
Pucci was an average character for me at first, but after we got his backstory, i really liked him. His objective was something weird and interesting at the same time. I was really surprised at what he did at the end, that made him an even better character, absolutely better than Diavolo.
That's all i have to say about the main characters, there are more, but i don't really have something to say about them, they're fine, i guess.

I start to think that the author was uninspired when he was making this part. even part 3, while being inconsistent, still had a lot of good fights, it's a shame that i can only name 3-4 good fights in part 6, and two of them are at the start. I'm glad that this part is supposedly the finale of parts 1-6, and that the author took a new direction with jojo, because after this part, it definitely needed that.

oh, and remember, OPINIONS :)
