Mama wa Doukyuusei review

Apr 10, 2021
i said wow this one is one of the best Slice of life it doesn't have any disturbing scene i mean its like a real life story of love, lie, and trust. really recomended best slice life ever.

the story revolve in a highschool boy, who see a girl naked in the bathroom, who he doesn't know but even that she discover that she is her mother and classmate(so there the lie begin). they must hide there relationship as a mother and a son while there going to school and hanging out with there friends and the most concern haruka(MC girl friends) notice something is wierd where she saw her go to his house,well thats the story, will haruka know the truth or she breaks up with him and move on? a big 8/10 story to me

really enjoyed reading this one so overall its 8/10, this manga kinda serious probable mild serious.
great ending


Mama wa Doukyuusei
Mama wa Doukyuusei
Autore Azuma, Yuki