Mahou Shoujo of the End review

Apr 05, 2021
I'll be honest. Many years ago I found this manga when it nearly has four chapters translated. My tastes were pretty bad by then, but even so I rated this manga as shit. Why? I'm about to explain that...

Story: 2
Even if the concept of a zombie apocalypse is new, the originality becomes questionable when the first chapters are a copy/paste from Highschool of the Dead. Seriously, even the way in which the protagonist discovers the apocalypse is exactly the same.
Aside from that, the story is a mess for many reasons.
First, is full of plot holes. For example, in the beginning people who are killed by the mahou shoujo turn into zombie. Later on this doesn't happen anymore, and everytime people die they just stay like that. It's like the author have some kind of amnesia.
Second, it tries too hard to be shocking. The story constantly introduces new characters to kill them right away. In one chapter, the author decided to do a flashback for two character who lasted no more than three episodes before dying. Sadly, you're unable to feel something for some stranger dying.
Third, dumb plot twists and the author adds stuff because yes. Sometimes it really feels like he planned nothing. I don't know what this manga is about anymore because it's a mixture of too many things.
Fourth, fanservice is everywhere. I have nothing against ecchi, but make it look natural.
Fifth, full of tropes and too many coincidences.

Art: 4
From average to bad. Action and gore looks pretty confusing sometimes and many angles are wrong. Boobs don't work like that. Muscles don't work like that. I'd gladly show you what I'm talking about if I could.
At least there's plenty funny faces for reactions.

Characters: 2
The worst part. Every character is bland, boring and archetypal. I've read 33 chapters so far and I know NOTHING about the MC. His personality is still ambiguous and his character development is zero. He's nothing but and uninteresting potato.
Then there's our main villain. He's evil for the sake of being evil. At least he isn't boring like our MC, but it doesn't save him from being your average psychopath from a third rated show.
There's a solely reason which refrains me from giving an one and that's Akuta. He has a shitty personality, doesn't care about others, wants to rape one of the female leads and deserves to burn in hell for all eternity. Yes, he's a despicable human being, but also the only interesting character and when he's in the spotlight the manga gets slightly better. He's a better MC than our current MC, and I think that the author thinks the same since he's stealing all the show for himself lately.
You know that something is wrong with a manga when a side character made for comic relief has more development than the MC.

Enjoyment: 5
I gadly give it a 10, but I'm enjoying it for the wrong reasons. Actually, I like reading bad mangas like these where nothing makes sense, and Mahou Shoujo of the Dead suprise me everytime adding more and more dumb plot twists and shonen elements. It's unpredictable. You'll never know what the author will do next to make the story even more laughable.
If you like the "so bad it's good" kind of manga, it's worth reading. Otherwise, don't ever touch it.

Mahou Shoujo of the End fails at everything. I wouldn't recomment it to anyone.


Mahou Shoujo of the End
Mahou Shoujo of the End
Autore Satou, Kentarou