Mikansei Girl review

Apr 14, 2021
Mikansei Girl, aka Incomplete Girl, is a collection of 7 one-shots all having the theme of bittersweet yuri romance. So if you're looking for yuri with some feel-good factors, best to avoid this as it does go into some dark places. For example, the 6th story deals with a little girl working in a brothel as a protege of a high-class prostitute. It did, however, remarkably avoids the inner conflicts of a little girl working in such a ghastly place. Rather, it focuses on her complex relationship with her "Guru". IMO this is the best story of this batch.

Rest of them ( save for number 1 which is, though predictable, sets the somber tone of this yuri series) are pretty forgettable. Bunch of boob-jokes; lost & found loves and melodramatic slog.



Mikansei Girl
Mikansei Girl
Autore Kawai, Rou