Yagate Kimi ni Naru review

Apr 02, 2021
What we need is a season 2 of this manga since I had to pick this up to know what happens towards the end.

I wrote a review on the anime and seeing how they share similar theme of identity, it’s both great to read or watch the anime. I did both as I really loved the anime and read this afterwards.

Sometimes we question in life who is the real us but the answer isn’t that simple. As we all wear mask as we are a different person to different people and that’s not terrible in itself. There’s different time we need to be different people so it’s easier not for us but for them.
Bloom into you captured that nicely with the play and it basically shares the beautiful overall theme of blooming or blossom. The romance was a plus and the characters are all like able. I didn’t find anyone I hated or couldn’t stand. I enjoyed even the supporting cast and the subplots were nice too. The dialogue and conversation were great on the side.

There’s not much flaw to this that I can see, I mean if you don’t like Yuri then don’t bother reading this. Even if you don’t like Yuri I mean the plot of identity is really what get me curious about this anime as I didn’t watch it before because it was Yuri. And I read this manga mainly because I don’t know if we’ll get a season 2. I recommend watching the anime as they both basically share the same exact thing but I love the music and voice acting and read the second half to finish season 2.

Worth a read if you enjoy the theme of identity and learning to be you. That it’s okay to try to be like someone because others inspire you. It’s okay to change as we all grow eventually and sometimes people grow apart but love binds us forever.


Yagate Kimi ni Naru
Yagate Kimi ni Naru
Autore Nakatani, Nio