One Piece review

Apr 17, 2021
Short Review:

One Piece to me is Romantic, no, not the "Pretty flowers or Love-Dovey" kind, but the "Promise of An Adventure, The Image of a life spent chasing after a goal or achieving a dream, and to see the all that imagination has to offer from the brilliant mind of Oda Eiichiro". Even though, the huge amount seems daunting, it's fine. Take your time. We,your fellow readers, will patiently await you arrival abroad the ship.

Long Review:

A lot of people say One Piece fans make it seem Bigger than Life. Well,of course. Have you read about the guy who was going through depression, complementing sucide but one day after picking up One Piece,he kept reading and reading and because of something a character you said, he was inspired. He highlighted that quote,came back to it time after time and the quote gave him power to turn his life around.

I can't speak for that guy,but personally One Piece has been part of my life from Late Elementary School to End of Highschool(and looks like it will be following me into College as well). Week to week, I have enjoyed it not only as a work of Fiction but also as a source of inspiration. By tackling issues like Class discrimination, Race discrimination, Abuse of power,poverty, and much more, it has taught you to be better person than any thing at school.

Heck, the reason where I am today(graduating high school with a GPA of 3.75 ) all started because in 7th grade, I decided I am gonna study a lot, get a good job and buy all the One Piece Volumes. Thinking back,the reason is so freaking silly,but hey Inspiration comes in many forms.

Also a little rant :

One of the dumbest reason I have seen people rate One Piece low is because the main characters are Pirates yet they don't act like historical real-life pirates. Let me tell you why you DON'T wanna be one of those people, and save you from the embrassment;

Naruto is a ninja who wears bright color jumpsuits.
Goku is an alien, but to this day Humanity hasn't encountered Aliens.
No reports of Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs playing card games.
You cannot catch real-life animals in a spherical objects.
You can't kill a person by writing their name in a notebook.

Do you see how DUMB it sounds to say that One Piece characters are not realistic pirates? (For one,it's not even Planet Earth,why are you thinking your reality is the same as the fictional one?)

Now back to the review ;

One Piece doesn't need to be in Manga form, because at it's core It's a STORY. It doesn't rely on shock factors, or something as simple as creating a fictional character that shows off it's fictional strength by destroying fictional stuff. And Unlike the cries of it's haters claim, it is not a cash cow. Oda Eiichiro was ranked #2 by the people in the list of most beloved authors in 2015. Why? Because for over a decade now, One Piece has inspired,changed, and entertained millions in Japan and millions of others around the globe.

I know there are a lot of episodes and chapters, but trust me, don't skip them. Take a break, make a schedule, Doesn't matter if it takes a year. Once you catch up, you will be the one writing this review.


One Piece
One Piece
Autore Oda, Eiichiro