One Piece review

Apr 16, 2021
One piece is simply a masterpiece, the story is its best characteristic I dont know when it will finish but when the time comes I, like a lot of people will get really sad even though I am sure it will have a gerat end. Eichiiro Oda is awesome. If you like misteries and a really cool way of telling a great story this is defenetly your manga. I dont know what else to say about this manga but this keeps telling me to add text so I will simply say that if so many people are “in love” with this manga you probably eill too, I am not sure why part 7 has a better score than one piece but I think that this manga has clearly less plot holes and better story telling even though part 7 is really cool. In a nutshell, read one piece!


One Piece
One Piece
Autore Oda, Eiichiro