Parallel Paradise review

Apr 11, 2021
If you're a fan of the ecchi isekai harem trope then frankly this is about as good as it gets (if you're not, then you're reading the wrong manga). The balance of themes is tricky in all manga generally but particularly with this genre mix. Often, authors over-focus on ecchi at the cost of plot or water-down the darker aspects in favour of humour.

Not so with Parallel Paradise. The balance of story, humour, world building, serious stuff and sexyness is exceptionally well done. So much so, that even if you overlook the sexual-theme there's a pretty solid experience underpinning this that could compete with much bigger titles.

On top of that the art presentation is clear, continuity satisfying and translation spot on. Okamoto Lynn has done a fine job with this (ongoing) series and fully deserves a 10/10 for delivering a series that hits the high bar in all the tropes it attempts to deliver against. Watch this space for an anime adaptation!



Parallel Paradise
Parallel Paradise
Autore Okamoto, Lynn