Golem Hearts review

Apr 13, 2021
I recently read the series and caught up to it. Its been on my to do list for a while, because the title and cover seemed interesting. Plus a new shounen is always a potentially great day. After reading it I had wished I did so sooner.

The story and premise is great thus far. Golems aren’t exactly a new thing (what is?), but I’ve never seen a series that focuses so well on them. The treatment of Golems as tool and prospect of a living golem is also extremely interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing where the story goes in a world where everything from the arts to warfare is shaped by golems.

The characters are somewhat cliche as with any shounen, but endearing enough that you still love them. As always the main character is happy go lucky, hard working, kind, etc. And as always it just works. I also personally love how this one isn’t relaly ambitious. Everything he does is for the sake of others and he truly only wants to help. The same goes for his dream. He doesn’t want to be the very best like some 10 year old with his head stuck in the clouds. He truly wants to help and even his dream reflects that (I’d say more, but knowing me it’d lead into a spoiler. It becomes pretty apparent early on what I’m referring to).

Overall this manga has been very good so far. The arts nothing amazing, but nothing cringe worthy either.

The only problem I have with this series is the rival, which for me is often either a hit or a miss and this one was sadly a miss. Though simple on paper the concept of a rival is pretty difficult to pull off successfully. They aren’t the antagonist or necessarily an ally. It’d be closer to say they are a foil to the main character, but wven thats not necessarily true. Suffice to say the rival and main character have a complicated relationship and I’m disappointed to say that here the rival feels to generic and bland. I get the feeling the author added a rival because every shounen manga just needs one and then he (she? I am now regretting not researching the author first) focused too much on having the rival be a contrast to thhe main character. Yes I get that everyone is worse than you. Yes you’re a child prodigy full of talent because of you not your super powerful relative. Yes, you’re a special little snowflake above all. As of right now the rival feels to me like an annoying emo teen. Also why do all of these “genius” child prodigies seem to know nothing about genetics? Its true that learned traits gained from hard work can’t be passed down, but if its a natural talent then it could be a family trait. Luckily the series is still fairly new. Its entirely possible that the author will improve the rival as the series continues, but as of right now he is the worst part of it for me.

I would like to add that I gave the series a 7 simply because its new. It has a lot of promise and potential and honestly if it continues down this path with improvements I’ll happily give the series a 10.


Golem Hearts
Golem Hearts
Autore Oosuga, Gen