Alive review

Apr 07, 2021
Horror and manga. I never knew that combination excisted. And I have to say: I'm glad it does excists. I was looking aroudn for some manga and I found this. Only ten chapters, why not read it?

I finished it in about half an hour. The story kept me reading and guessing what would happen untill the very end. Why did I give the story a six then? It was fine, but there was no moral or whatever behind it. The maincharacter is a son of a bitch and I just wanted him to die. Perhaps not everyone agrees with me on that, but that's my opinion.

It is quite a typical horror story. Two fellows in a room, they can have something they want if they kill eachother. I was suprised when I found out there was a whole lot more behind it. Without spoiling: there is a form of evil wich can consume people. And it can jump onto whoever wants to kill. The one with the biggest intention of killing, will be consumed by it.

The graphics were fine. Although it pissed me off when I mentioned that almost everyone has drops of water on their faces. Always. Sometimes it is sweat, then it is rain water. But what the fuck? It was unnecessary and just fucked up. I mean, someone can sweat if he feels fear, but he doesn't get wet by just sweating.

Well, that was a minor thing I didn't like. The story wasn't very sadistic, I got that impression at first, it's quite good. Not fantasic, because there isn't any bonding with the main character. It's a bit short, but that's not a real issue for me. This story shouldn't be long. It was a typical horror. Not really good, not really scary, but worth your time!


Autore Takahashi, Tsutomu