Dokunie Cooking review

Apr 07, 2021
tl;dr: A manga that has decent comedy and starts some interesting world building but ends before doing much with it. 

The original premise was pretty interesting with someone actually trying to be eaten, and serves as a really good hook. The hook relies solely on its comedic value and only a very narrow range of that, with it not really having potential beyond that. Hence, as the manga went on it did some world building that was actually surprisingly good though pretty much completely unrelated to the original premise. The ending tried to tie everything together in a pretty rushed format, wherein it felt like there was a lot more that could have been done with the world that the author built that just wasn’t, but all in all I suppose it was satisfying enough. The characters were interesting enough, though there wasn’t really any character development or anything like that. There was relationship development, but it wasn’t that strong. The comedy was pretty solid all the way through, but beyond the beginning only rarely was it really great. The art was really good all the way through though. 


Dokunie Cooking
Dokunie Cooking
Autore Minazuki, Suu