Koukaku Kidoutai 2: Manmachine Interface review

Apr 05, 2021
All of the other GiS and Gis:SAC anime and manga strongly resemble each other, this one is very different.

Set several years subsequent to the earlier manga, the world has changed a lot. The Major, merged with the Puppeteer is now a disembodied consciousness somewhere on the web. She does, however, merge at times with other bits of consciousness that she then spins off the results as "children," of which there are several, all now separate entities. One of these, which has chosen to call itself "Motoko Arimaki," (the Major calls it something else) is the boss lady of a global corporation, who has stashed an assortment of cyborg shells (of varying special capabilities) around the globe, available for her to download into. This corporation has come under attack from some unknown antagonist(s), and the manga is mostly about Motoko Arimaki discovering and dealing with the adversary(s) and the attacks. Section Nine's involvement is restricted to fielding a new character (a psychic) to monitor, report on, and interfere with this situation.

The plot is very complex, I had to reread several parts, sometimes more than once, to get what was going on. Very thought provoking about issues of what is consciousness and what is identity, and how these might interact with technology.

Highly recommended. And, oh yes, there is a panty shot on almost every page.


Koukaku Kidoutai 2: Manmachine Interface
Koukaku Kidoutai 2: Manmachine Interface
Autore Shirow, Masamune