Koko ga Uwasa no El Palacio review

Apr 05, 2021
tl;dr: A manga about professional wrestling that doesn’t really get professional wrestling at all, but that is otherwise decent.

This manga was off in that it’s about wrestling, and it serves as more than window dressing with it generally being the focus, but it didn’t really feel like it conveyed much about wrestling despite that. To start off for those that are not familiar, professional wrestling is mostly an act, with characters, plot lines, victories, etc. set up beforehand. That’s not a slight on wrestling, it would make as much sense to fault wrestling for this as it would to fault a play or movie for it. It’s just the way things are. Hence, I believe that there are two approaches to how to make something like a manga about this. One is that you can ignore that, and make a manga that’s actually about real wrestling but with the plot lines that are being acted out by wrestlers and basically having it be a sort of battle or combat sports manga. These are often really exaggerated and crazy with random twists and all sorts of shenanigans, and the manga could try to basically try to convey that atmosphere and tell a story kind of like that and make it seem real. The other is that it would take a step back and be about the actual wrestlers doing their part in acting and be more down to Earth, with it being more slice of life or something to that extent. This tried to take the middle path between both of these, wherein it kind of acknowledges that parts of it are fake and also for the most part has everything be real. For one thing, that doesn’t work, because trying to have extreme moments and then later reveal they’re predetermined just doesn’t make sense and really kind of seems contradictory at times. For another, I found it kind of annoying as well in that it then even goes to the point where it puts down things being pre-scripted, which I feel completely misses the point of professional wrestling completely. This combined with the fact that it didn’t really feel like the author knew much about wrestling in the first place, makes me kind of feel like the author wasn’t really much of a fan of professional wrestling in the first place, so I wonder why he’s making such a manga. Beyond that, there were some issues, but the plot overall was pretty solid. The characters are interesting enough and have reasonably fleshed out motivations and personalities. There was a major exception to that though, in that the final twist felt so incredibly forced and didn’t feel at all consistent with Ouka’s character or her relationship with Tadasuke at all. The comedy was pretty solid throughout and the action in and of itself was pretty cool. The art was also solid.


Koko ga Uwasa no El Palacio
Koko ga Uwasa no El Palacio
Autore Aoyagi, Takao