Ookami-heika no Hanayome review

Apr 03, 2021
I love this manga for the number of cliches it follows. It hits many of them that you expect, but I say that it makes for charming characters that you easily come to love.

I think this isn't a manga you particularly read for the plot. Many of the plot points are minor and don't have much significance within the manga. Rather, following the relationship between the King and Yuurin provides most of the enjoyment.
What's quite interesting is that for as cliched this manga is, there isn't a proper love triangle. I'm quite glad of this; not because I don't enjoy love triangles but because I think one would negatively disrupt the storyline.
The art is very clear and quite enjoyable. I really enjoy the representations of the different sides of the King and Yuurin as a rabbit. It's all very cute and helps to add to their characters.
The characters are fairly typical. You have the Yuurin, a consort with unknown (commoner) roots but is very headstrong and kind hearted then the King, strong but with a soft side. As you are introduced to the characters in the beginning, Rijun, the King's adviser, describes his Majesty's nature to be soft and puppy like and that he must put on the Wolf king demeanor to uphold a facade of strength to the public and to his officials. We quickly find out this isn't true, and both sides are very much him. Exploring this throughout the manga is interesting as Yuurin is not aware of this truth.
The politics and origins stories are woven in and do not become tiring as it often can do. Later in the manga comes a tipping point, and that's where I'd say the plot really starts to hit off. This is a brief but significant portion. Nothing in this manga feels particularly rushed; it maintains a steady pacing until that tipping point, but even there it is well paced.
I really can't describe in words how much I love this manga. For the most part, it is lighthearted without being grossly fluffy. And when it gets deep, it's a very interesting and well thought out plot. I truly love this manga. It's one of those mangas that you continue to think about days after you've completed it, and many mangas later. I wish I could wake up with amnesia just to read it for the first time again.
So I say give it a shot!


Ookami-heika no Hanayome
Ookami-heika no Hanayome
Autore Kauta, Mato