Bleach review

Apr 04, 2021
I'm not entirely sure why I feel the need to review everything I encounter on this website, but I feel the need to review everything I encounter on this website.

Bleach is a classic, right? I finished off the manga a while ago, so I'll try and review it the best I can. The story is on point. Not a moment is wasted, which is more than I can say for the anime. The character development that's seen is insane, and the attention to detail by Tite Kubo is very impressive. Hints to Ichigo's future can be found at the very beginning of the manga, so Kubo clearly thought out his story extremely well.

The art is also very well conveyed; I don't normally feel like I can sense movement in things like comics and manga, but I could with Bleach.

I've already mentioned character development, but the character personalities and the diversity of character types was very well done as well. Each character really felt unique and fleshed out. The ending, of course, is one of the most debated endings in all of manga, but the entire story really does make up for it all.

It's a great read. It'll make you laugh, cry, bite your nails, the whole nine. Definitely check this out, even if you just want to finish the story that you got from the anime. It's a good manga for everyone, especially if you're new to it.


Autore Kubo, Tite