Hellsing 's review

Mar 27, 2021
Just finished it. Here's my thought. That's right. One thought:

The first five books are build up - and the last five are just nothing but action: non-stop, ridiculous, bloody, violent, glorious fight scenes. Okay, so there are some odd touching moments, times of regret and sadness, confusion, heart-stopping, shattering disbelief... And all through it, blood, blood, blood and teeth.
And some bullets. Some really BIG guns.

Okay, a few things. The story is top notch. My beef is the art. Which is crazy I know - but that's the thing. It gets so hectic and detailed, that sometimes it's hard to determine what's going on. It gets so crowded with bodies and blood, and buildings and guns, that sometimes what you should be paying attention to, gets lost in all the black ink. Which is a style and does not need to be changed at all - I just had to pause in my reading to figure out who or what was going where.

Characters are top notch - a few characters here and there I wished would be fleshed out more, but those were tertiary characters. Not even second. The secondary characters had fantastic development. The first level characters? Alucard and Seras? They managed to keep developing right til the end! Ridiculous! - In a good way.

Enjoyment? **** yeah. Just insane. A few pages dragged - and I do mean maybe three or four out of the whole series. (Major's LONG speech being it).
Reading it got a little difficult, but I've already touched on that. Will I read it again? Definitely. Will I recommend it. Hell YES. Will I lend it out? Well - I already told my brother I'd lend the last half to him when I was done.
Will I buy it? Well, let's just say, I bought six volumes in a row after reading one.

So - if you like blood, guns, guts, massacres, insanity, a tad creepiness, and mass amounts of deaths... this is it.
No, there are no pretty boys. Alucard is dangerous and straight up alluring in his thirst for bloody entertainment.


Autore Hirano, Kouta