Ao no Exorcist review

Apr 02, 2021
I didn't expect to enjoy the series, initially it feels relatively like every other shounen. But this really touched my heart in a way that I never thought was possible nor did I ever expect it to, instead of it taking the normal ways out, it has managed to surprise so much of me. The many twists and turns of the story.

The mythology that it uses with its own unique spins, with plenty of mysteries and then twists upon twists. And above more incredibly memorable characters that you just can't forget. It takes every character but then add them with a singular great twist. The twists are astounding, developing each character's backstory, not to mention given them such depth and layers more than usually. By this time, it isn't just Rin who's important, there's a lot to their development but not every character gets shafted either.

Ao no exorcist is a series that gets better as it goes along, initially I didn't have any issue just reading a few but the more I actually read the work, the more I just couldn't resist going to the next chapter. It gets addicting that you just can't stop, and I couldn't until the latest chapter. It's an amazing piece of work, that makes itself stand out.


Ao no Exorcist
Ao no Exorcist
Autore Katou, Kazue