Solo Leveling review

Apr 16, 2021
I'm not going to explain much why I believe this manhwa is extremely overrated, since they are probably people who could do it better, but in general I think people think it’s a masterpiece because of the idea behind it.

So, this manhwa over simplified is about a dude who becomes strong by his own efforts not by chance and that’s why I think people think it’s that good, I think the majority of people that think that the idea behind its original or never done before while they are manga out there that execute the same idea or gimmick a lot better. For example: Boku no Hero Academia, Parasyte (maybe?), Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Hajime No Ippo, Naruto, Haikyuu!!, Bleach, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (also maybe?), Hunter x Hunter, One Piece, Dragon Ball, almost every shonen and a lot more (correct me if I’m wrong).

I think in general the manhwa is not as bad as some say, I don’t think it deserves a 3/10 but also not the spot number 11 in the Top Manga list. It’s okay to enjoy it I just wanted to let people know they’re manga a lot better out there which I believe you will enjoy a lot more if you enjoyed Solo Leveling.

(Sorry for using too much the word think)

Story: 6/10
Art: 9/10
Character: 6/10
Enjoyment: 7/10
Overall: 6/10


Solo Leveling
Solo Leveling
Autore Chugong