Eden no Ori review

Apr 03, 2021
From what I saw - the manga was a decent read, up until the ending. Considering how half assed the ending was, it had me reflect on what exactly I had read. I typically read these things for enjoyment, and despite it being fairly similar to things like “lost” or “Jurassic Park”, I still enjoyed it. It had good potential throughout the story, although toward the ending it began to slack. I don’t usually say this, but the ending was awful. I understand the sense of mystery the author most likely wanted to convey, but there’s a limit. Very little of what the reader actually wants to find out is never disclosed or shown. Personally I enjoyed reading in the beginning - so much so I expected an amazing ending; although was I got was just more mystery rather than closure. Multple loose ends as well. 5/10.


Eden no Ori
Eden no Ori
Autore Yamada, Yoshinobu