Akira Tsukioka

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Akira Tsukioka
Nome: Akira Tsukioka
Boy #14 Akira Tsukioka is the sole homosexual in the class.

In the novel and manga, he is member of Kiriyama's street gang. His father owns a gay bar and he often entertains in it. He views himself as if he is a woman inside, and is incredibly narcissistic.

After he witnesses Kiriyama killing off the other members of the street gang, Akira, being skilled at stealth, devises a plan to follow Kiriyama around until Kiriyama kills everyone off, then killing Kiriyama, thus becoming the winner. However, Kiriyama realizes that Akira is stalking him, and tricks Akira into lingering in a Forbidden Zone. His collar explodes (snapping off the upper half of Akira's head), killing him instantly.
(Source: Wikipedia)